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Lanarkshire residents in their 40s can now book a COVID Vaccine Booster Jug


Lanarkshire residents aged 40-49 can now pre-book a COVID booster jug.

Reservations for people in this age group are held on weekends and encourage them to use the NHS Inform portal or domestic telephone lines to secure slots.

Reservations will be available from December and slots must be at least 24 weeks after receiving the second dose of COVID-19 vaccine.

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NHS Lanarkshire also advises that children 16 and 17 years old can also book a second vaccination slot using the portal from December, as long as 12 weeks have passed since the first vaccination. .. However, if a virus case is confirmed after the first dose, it is necessary to wait for 12 weeks thereafter.

The portal is already open for groups aged 50-59, unpaid caregivers aged 16 and over, and caregivers aged 16 and over who are contacts for households of immunosuppressed individuals. Anyone who missed a reservation in a previous group can book online.

The portal is now open to more cohorts, so children aged 50-59 who haven’t booked boosters yet will be contacted shortly to invite them to book as soon as possible via the portal or domestic phone. .. line.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and NHS Lanarkshire have been strongly criticized for their plans to end the Drop-in Vaccine Clinic.
People between the ages of 40 and 49 can book through the NHS Inform portal.
(Image: Steve Parsons / Pennsylvania)

Dr. Jane Burns, NHS Lanarkshire Medical Director told me : “The expansion of the COVID-19 vaccine booster to ages 40-49 represents another important milestone in the fall / winter vaccination program.

“Boosters are just as important as the first vaccination. Six months after the second dose, the immune level dropped and the risk of further infection increased.

“Booster doses are the best way to significantly improve your level of protection and protect you and the people around you.

“For 24 weeks after the second dose, we recommend it to anyone who is eligible to arrange a reservation via the portal or telephone line.”

Scottish Health Minister Humza Yousaf talked this week about how the NHS provided more than 1.5 million boosters and a third dose nationwide.

He added: “A remarkable advance in the fall / winter vaccination program has made it possible to book people aged 40-49 online.

“We aim to vaccinate people as soon as possible in line with clinical guidance, with up to 7.5 million influenza and COVID-19 booster vaccinations implemented during the fall / winter vaccination program. increase.

“Vaccination is the basis of the fight against COVID-19, but it is advisable to follow mitigation measures such as regular inspections, especially before interacting with or meeting people outside the family. Mark the face and open the windows to improve ventilation. “

A unique vaccination username is required to make reservations using the portal. It can be found in the letter of the previous promise. You can also search or reset on the NHS Inform Username Recovery page.

Reservations can also be made from the National Helpline (0800 030 8013).

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