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Ohio Health Department Discusses COVID-19 Pandemic


Delta remains the predominant variant in the state, with its driving cases and hospitalizations remaining at the highest levels since January.

Columbus, Ohio — The state’s health director is urging people who test positive for COVID-19 to have a PCR test if they haven’t already. This requirement is part of the state’s efforts to track a new substance of concern known as Omicron.

According to ODH, Delta is still the predominant variety in Ohio. Dr. Bruce Vanderhoff said PCR tests can help track mutants because they can perform genomic sequencing to test the mutants. Rapid testing at home does not allow you to perform this sequence.

Ohio laboratories use genomic sequencing to detect mutants and other mutants of concern that have been assigned Greek names.

When it comes to new Omicron variants, Dr. Vanderhoff says much remains unknown. He said early reports say it causes mild illness. He said we expect to know more in the coming weeks.

He said he has seen the highest level of COVID hospitalization since January.

“Unfortunately, the number of cases and hospitalizations continues to increase,” said Dr. Vanderhoff.

“This was the last time I’ve seen so many hospitalizations back to January 12,” he said.

He said he is currently seeing the highest numbers in the northeastern part of the state. The case rate for young Ohio people between the ages of 23 and 49 is 25% higher than the state-wide average.

Dr. Andy Thomas of the OSU Wexner Medical Center also spoke at the briefing on Wednesday. He is the leader in Hospital Zone 2, which includes 40 hospitals in and around central Ohio. He said staffing was a major limitation in hospitals throughout the state.

He emphasized the importance of getting vaccinated. Because it lowers your risk of infection, and most importantly, it prevents you from needing a hospital for complex complications.

On Wednesday, the Ohio Department of Health reported more than 9,000 COVID cases in states with more than 360 new hospitalizations.

Meanwhile, also on Wednesday, President Biden announced his plans to fight the virus this winter.

The plan includes stricter travel restrictions for people arriving in the United States and a free test of home-based kits covered by private insurance. The plan will also extend public transport mask requirements and increase access to boosters and vaccines for children.

Where is Omicron in the United States? According to the CDC, another person became ill with a variant of Omicron. The person, a resident of Minnesota, traveled to New York City and attended an anime convention at the Javits Center from November 19th to 21st.

CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky made the following statement on Wednesday:

“The CDC has been actively monitoring and preparing this variant. We have worked closely with the Minnesota Ministry of Public Health and will continue to work diligently with our US and global public health and industry partners. The CDC will work together to expand its ability to sequence genomes over the past nine months, from vaccines to boosters to known preventative strategies such as masking and cleaning in indoor public environments, than at this time last year. You can use many tools to fight variants. Your hands are often and physically separated. These methods work to prevent the spread of COVID-19, regardless of gene sequence. increase.”

Ohio COVID-19: Recent Press ⬇️




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