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Oxford clinical trial of hydroxychloroquine despite WHO suspension order


Daily email Investigators at the University of Oxford have reported that they will continue to study hydroxychloroquine, an antimalarial drug in patients with coronavirus, despite the World Health Organization’s announcement to discontinue the global trial.

Monday, WHO suspends global testing On the use of hydroxychloroquine as a remedy for COVID-19. This was post-study, and numerous claims revealed that the drug could pose a risk to the condition of the heart and even lead to death.

last Friday, Lancet The study studied more than 96,000 people hospitalized at COVID-19. The researchers found that patients treated with hydroxychloroquine were at increased risk of death and cardiac rhythm problems compared to patients who were not given antimalarial drugs.

Nevertheless, the drug was given only to patients at high risk of being victims of COVID-19.

Also read: COVID-19 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine show no significant difference from those who did not

Reconstruction trial

Randomized evaluation of COVID-19 therapy (Recovery test) Is a University of Oxford program aimed at investigating the effects of some of the most promising therapies on patients with coronavirus.

Therapies used in this trial include lopinavir-ritonavir, low-dose dexamethasone, hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, tocilizumab, convalescent plasma. Patients enrolled in this trial had moderate to severe viral infections.

British Pharmaceutical and healthcare product regulators (MHRA), they didn’t see any safety issues in recovery trials. Under the NHS, more than 10,500 COVID patients participate in trials at hundreds of hospitals throughout the UK.

Recovery attempts have been considered safe because the drug was randomly assigned to patients with varying degrees of illness and compared to controls.

According to one of Recovery’s chief investigators, Peter Hovey, a professor of emerging infectious diseases and global health at Oxford University, an independent committee surveyed the data, confirming the safety concerns of the trial. Was not done

He also said the MHRA agreed to interpret the data as providing reassurance that it was safe to continue enrolling in the hydroxychloroquine study.

In addition, he added that the agency should continue to obtain reliable answers about hydroxychloroquine through recovery trials.

Principle test

The Principles or the “Platform Randomized Trial of Interventions for COVID-19 in the Elderly” trial aims to find a cure for COVID-19 for the elderly. The purpose of this trial is to find drugs that help people with COVID-19 symptoms recover faster and don’t have to go to the hospital.

of Principle test Is studying people aged 50 to 64 with COVID-19 symptoms. It also aims to find elderly people with chronic health conditions such as heart disease, asthma, and cancer. It is unknown how many patients are involved.

Recently, MHRA has also temporarily blocked recruitment for principle exams. The study also examined the effect of hydroxychloroquine on elderly COVID patients.

According to Professor Toldirang, head of the Global Health Network at the Nuffield School of Medicine at Oxford University, WHO is temporarily discontinuing the use of chloroquine in the COVID-19 clinical trial, so a carefully designed clinical trial will be conducted. Occurrence.

Dr. Stephen Griffin, an associate professor at the University of Leeds School of Medicine, agrees that WHO is taking sensible precautions to discontinue treatment studies related to chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine.

Also read: WHO Stops Hydroxychloroquine Coronavirus Testing: How “Game Changers” Can Be Dangerous

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