Doctors say that the pandemic is shaped by masks
It’s a sequel.
Update: Johns Hopkins University aggregates more than 1.6 million cases of coronavirus in the United States. According to Hopkins, the death toll in the United States exceeds 98,000. He did not cite the authority he had to do to reopen the state worship in “many different ways.” Stocks bounced on Tuesday after the New York Stock Exchange reopened and the Dow and S & P 500 hit several-month highs. Americans are divided on whether coronavirus protection needs to be continued, but leading researchers say the data is clear: The path before the COVID-19 pandemic is shaped by masks. I am. The mask works. That’s probably 50% defense against infection, “Dr. Chris Murray, director of the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington, told Anderson Cooper of CNN. “So, what happens next month or two months depends very much on how people react,” said IHME, who creates the coronavirus model cited by the White House, US Disease Control. According to Murray, one of the over twelve highlighted by the Centers for Prevention, and whose model predicts fewer deaths in the U.S. on Tuesday, the model predicts August more than it did last week. Was reduced to 132,000. This may be due to behavioral changes such as wearing a mask, as Murray said, as it is 11,000 fewer than predicted a week ago. Please wear a mask. Dr. Richard Besser, former acting CDC director, calls it “America”, and Ohio Governor Mike Dewein says that Cooper wearing a mask is “politic,” he says. That’s it. ” On holiday weekends, large numbers of people have recently gathered from their homes to public spaces-many people are not covering their faces. The decision to wear or not to wear a mask, Murray said, determines what happens next in a pandemic. Masks to protect against viruses are not the only health guidance that is ignored when reopening across the United States. “Show Me Strong Recovery Plan” for resuming in Missouri requires social distance if customers use shared spaces indoors or out and prohibit shared use For multiple groups Seating area. But a video of the Memorial Day party at Lake Ozarks, Missouri, showed a crowd of people crowded around the pool and bar. Bar said it was a “Zero-Dax Given Pooh Party.” Dr. Sam Page of St. Louis County called it a “malicious international example.” Page also told CNN’s Briana Keeler that this kind of rally was premature. Attendees were asked to quarantine themselves for 14 days. “We are working very hard to get the message that we can’t see, and we didn’t want to see anything we saw or anyone involved last weekend. Respecting our community, respecting our loved ones, 2 weeks They need to be self-isolated, “the bar said will take special precautions and safety measures to keep the event running. Over the weekend, Governor of Arkansas Asa Hutchinson announced that several people were infected after attending a high school swimming party. What are the trends in the number of infections? Infection rates vary from state to state. On May 16th, the first Illinois health director Dr. Ngozi Ezike announced at a news conference Tuesday that coronavirus deaths were lower than last week, but the likely trend is still in its infancy and Governor Andrew Cuomo reported Tuesday that New York State, the most affected by the virus, said on Monday that the most affected country, New York, killed 73 people in a single day It recorded the lowest daily death toll since the beginning of the pandemic. But the same good news is not available elsewhere. Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves warned residents to remain vigilant at a press conference Tuesday. Public and incident reductions, the state has also not disappointed its guard. “Now I’m not going to be bullied to ignore science and make political calculations,” Whitmer said. “Let’s see us here in Michigan waste this sacrifice and start growing our numbers again. That means masks and distance and hand washing.” Elsewhere, Washington DC , Will be reporting for 14 days. The benchmark, coronavirus quoted for safe resumption, drops on Wednesday. A steady number stimulates resumption All states are beginning to reactivate, often with restrictions on businesses and public spaces lifted in a phase specific to local needs. ” The state was one of the first countries to impose restrictions and is in the back end to lift restrictions. Over 80% of the counties in the state are allowed to begin the third of the four-stage resumption plan. This stage also includes allowing hairdressers and barbers to reopen with retailers. With 99,387 cases and 3,819 deaths reported in the state, hospitalization has declined slightly over the past two weeks and the number of ICU beds is stable. The final phase of the state’s resumption will include the resumption of concerts and spectator events, but Newtham says, “we’re not there yet.” Such a large gathering can be reopened immediately in Florida, where Walt Disney World and SeaWorld will announce a reopening plan. Wednesday’s Orange County Economic Recovery Task Force Test May Be Wrong and May Be High-Risk According to a news release in Orange County, Florida, many of these resumptions show low viral transmission Depends on the tests and data shown. However, the accuracy of some tests has been questioned. The antibody tests used to determine if they were previously infected with COVID-19 can be incorrect up to half the time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in new guidance by the CDC. Tests looking for evidence of an immune response to an infection are not accurate enough to make policy decisions, and the numbers may be confused by current disease tests, according to the report. Find evidence of the virus until an examination deep inside the respiratory system. Many children were hospitalized for serious illness, but were not positive until repeated tests. This is not only a matter of patient care, but also a question of whether a small number of cases is really the time to reopen work or public space.
It’s a sequel.
- According to the United States, there are over 1.6 million cases of coronavirus. Johns Hopkins University Tally.
- According to Hopkins, more than 98,000 people have died in the United States.
- President Donald Trump said he could “override” the governor who refuses to “open up” the state chapel in “various ways,” but said he didn’t say what he had.
- Shares recovered Tuesday After the New York Stock Exchange reopened and the Dow and S & P 500 hit highs for months.
While Americans are divided on whether coronavirus protection needs to continue, leading researchers say the data is clear: The road ahead of the COVID-19 pandemic is shaped by masks It is
Dr. Chris Murray, director of the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington, told Anderson Cooper of CNN, “There was clear evidence that wearing a mask could work. 50% defense against. “” So what happens next month or two months depends heavily on how people react. ”
The IHME, which creates the coronavirus model cited by the White House, is one of over 12 highlighted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the model is expected to reduce deaths in the U.S. on Tuesday. August than expected last week.
The model revised the forecast to 132,000 deaths. That’s 11,000 less than what was predicted a week ago.
According to Murray, changes in behavior such as wearing a mask may be the cause.
Many officials urged residents to wear masks. Former acting CDC director Dr. Richard Besser calls it “America”, and Governor Mike Dewein of Ohio wears a mask Cooper isn’t political, he says, “I love your fellow humans. That’s it. “
Nonetheless, the warm weather and holiday weekends drew a large crowd from home to public spaces.
According to Murray, the decision to wear or not to wear a mask will determine what happens next to the pandemic.
“International example of bad judgment”
Wearing a mask to prevent the virus is not the only health instruction that will be ignored when places throughout the United States are reopened.
In Missouri,Show a powerful recovery plan“In order to get back into business, social distance is required when customers are using shared spaces indoors and out, and shared seating areas for multiple groups are prohibited.
However, a video of the Memorial Day party at Lake Ozarks, Missouri, showed a crowd of people flocking around the pool and bar.
Bar called it the launch of the “Zero Duck Given Pool Party”. Dr. Sam Page, executive director of St. Louis County, called this an “example of bad international judgment.”
Page also told CNN’s Briana Keyler that it was too early for such a rally. Attendees were asked to quarantine themselves for 14 days.
“We are working hard to display invisible messages and don’t want to see what we saw last weekend. People involved in that need to respect and respect the community. I love you and keep yourself isolated for two weeks. “
The bar said it would take special precautions and safety measures to allow it to continue the event.
That same weekend, Governor of Arkansas Asa Hutchinson announced that several people were infected after attending a swimming party for high school students.
Infection trend
Infection rates vary by state.
Illinois is in a “ declining trend, ” with weeks leading up to May 16 being the first week and fewer deaths from coronaviruses than last week, said Illinois Public Health Director Ngozi Ezike at a news conference on Tuesday. Announced.
But the potential trend is still in its infancy, and Ezike said, the public is responsible for keeping the infections under control.
New York, the country most affected by the virus, was reported Monday, with 73 inhabitants killed in a single day, the lowest daily death toll since the outbreak in the United States, Governor Andrew Cuomo said Tuesday. I told you.
But no other region has the same good news.
Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves warned residents on Tuesday to remain alert to the press conference, and there is still a certain number of cases in the state.
Meanwhile, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer said the state has remained vigilant despite public pressure and a reduction in incidents.
“Now I’m not bullied to ignore science and make political calculations,” Whitmer said. “Let’s see us here in Michigan not wasting this sacrifice in vain, but seeing our numbers start to increase again … that is, masks and distances, and handwashing. Means. “
Elsewhere, Washington D.C. plans to report a 14-day coronavirus decline on Wednesday and is the benchmark cited for a safe resumption.
Stable numbers stimulate resumption
All states are beginning to reopen, often with restrictions on businesses and public spaces lifted in a phase specific to local needs.
“We are stepping into the unknown,” said California Governor Gavin Newtham. The state was one of the first to impose restrictions and is in the backend to lift restrictions.
More than 80% of counties in the state are allowed to begin the third of the four-stage resumption plan. This stage includes allowing hairdressers and barbers to reopen with retailers.
The state reported 99,387 cases and 3,819 deaths, but hospitalization has declined slightly over the past two weeks, and those numbers in ICU beds have remained stable, the governor said.
The final phase of the state’s reinstatement will include the resumption of concerts and audience events, but Newtham says, “we’re not there yet.”
According to a news release in Orange County, Florida, such a large rally will soon be reopened in Florida, with Walt Disney World and SeaWorld presenting a reopening plan to the Orange County Economic Recovery Task Force on Wednesday. is.
Test may be wrong and may be more dangerous
Many of these restarts rely on testing and data showing low transmission of the virus. However, the accuracy of some tests has been questioned.
The antibody tests used to determine if they have been infected with COVID-19 in the past can be wrong in up to half the time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention posted on its website. The new guidance states.
Tests looking for evidence of an immune response to the infection are not accurate enough to make policy decisions, according to the CDC.
And that number may be confused by the current illness tests.
Physicians are increasingly reporting that they cannot find evidence of the virus until they are examined deep inside the respiratory system. Many children are hospitalized for serious illness, but will not be positive until repeated tests.
This is not only a problem for treating patients. I doubt that the few case reports are really the time to reopen workplaces and public spaces.
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