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List: Omicron cases in Minnesota, New York, California, etc.


The new COVID-19 variant was first identified in the United States on December 1st. Since then, it has been confirmed in several states.

Scientists around the world are working to learn more about the Omicron variant of COVID-19. Found in about 40 countries, this variant was first identified in the United States on December 1. Since then, health authorities in several states have identified cases of their own variants.

What do you know so far?

Omicron, designated as a “variant of concern” by the World Health Organization in late November, was first reported in South Africa. The country of origin is unknown. WHO said it is currently unclear whether the Omicron subspecies presents different symptoms than other variants or is highly contagious.

variant Seems to have been Behind the recent surge in COVID-19 infections in South Africa.

read more: What do you know about the Omicron variant? And why are scientists so worried?

In the United States, the president. Joe Biden said the variant was not a panic, but a source of concern.he Updated his call to Americans to get COVID-19 booster shots. Health officials have urged Americans to follow standard COVID-19 precautions, such as social distance and wearing masks indoors.

Separately, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has expanded the COVID-19 Booster Shot recommendations to include all adults for Omicron. The agency had previously approved boosters for all adults, but only recommended boosters for people over the age of 50 or living in long-term care facilities.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the best infectious disease expert in the United States, said the COVID-19 vaccine has been shown to reduce the risk of severe illness and death.he Said it was rational to believe Provides protection against omicron variants.

Related: No, there are no new tests to detect variants of Omicron

Where in the United States was the Omicron variant found?

Fauci said it was only a matter of time before new variants were detected in the United States. Health officials are currently identifying one or more cases of variants in more than 12 states. Beyond these confirmed cases, the actual spread in the United States is unknown.


First confirmed case in the United StatesAnnounced on December 1st was a person who returned from South Africa, developed mild symptoms, and tested positive for COVID-19. The patient was completely vaccinated, but had no plans for a booster vaccination yet. NS The second case was confirmed The next day in California.


Colorado Health Authority Announces On December 2, after traveling to several countries in southern Africa, it was confirmed that the female had the Omicron variant. She was traveling to Denver International Airport. The woman was completely vaccinated against the virus but had not received a booster vaccination.

Related: Police promote vaccination, booster shots after the first case of Omicron mutant is reported in Colorado


On December 4, Governor Ned Lamont said Connecticut confirmed the first case of the Omicron mutant. A man in his 60s tested positive after one of his family attended the Anime NYC 2021 Convention in New York City. Both he and his family have mild symptoms and are completely vaccinated.

Minnesota’s First Omicron Incident I was among the men who also participated in the anime NYC2021 convention.

Related: Connecticut DPH confirms first Omicron variant COVID case: Lamont


State health officials confirmed the variant on December 2, an unvaccinated Hawaiian resident with no recent travel history. People living on Oahu had “mild to moderate” symptoms. They were previously infected with COVID-19 a year ago.


Maryland health officials have identified Omicron variants in residents of three states. Governor Larry Hogan announces The two, including a vaccinated person who recently traveled to South Africa and an unvaccinated close contact, are from the same household. In the third case, the vaccinated person whose recent travel history is unknown is unrelated to the other two. None of them have been hospitalized.


Massachusetts Health Authority Said on December 4th A fully vaccinated female in her twenties tested positive for COVID-19 after traveling out of state. Gene sequencing confirmed that it was the first case of the Omicron variant in the state. The woman had mild symptoms and was never hospitalized.


Health officials in Minnesota announced on December 2 that a man attending an anime convention in New York City tested positive for COVID-19 in late November. He later found out that he had that variant. The man was completely vaccinated and had a booster vaccination earlier last month.

Related: Minnesota Health Authority Confirms State’s First Case of Omicron Mutant


Missouri health officials announced the first case of the Omicron variant in the state on December 3. They said the infected were residents of St. Louis County, who recently traveled the country.

“Samples were originally sequenced as part of commercial laboratory surveillance and results are currently awaiting confirmation by the CDC.” State health officials wrote.


Nebraska Health Authority Presentation Six cases of Omicron mutants identified on December 3-One person most likely exposed during a trip to Nigeria at the end of last month, and more likely to have been exposed by domestic contact with that person. The other 5 people.

Health officials said only one in six was vaccinated and no one needed hospitalization.

New jersey

Health officials said On December 3, Georgia residents were self-quarantined in New Jersey after being confirmed to have a subspecies of Omicron. The person traveled from South Africa, stayed in Georgia for two days, and then traveled to New Jersey. Tests and sequences then confirmed the existence of the variant. So far, no additional cases of Omicron have been identified in Georgia.

New York

New York Governor Kathy Hochul Said As of December 2, her state has identified five cases of omicron variants.


Health officials reported the first confirmed case of the Omicron variant in Pennsylvania on December 3. A man in his thirties from Philadelphia. Other details, such as whether the man was vaccinated against COVID-19 and whether he was traveling, were not immediately known.


Utah Health Authority Said on December 3rd It was confirmed that an elderly adult who recently traveled to South Africa had the Omicron mutant. Those who are fully vaccinated have mild symptoms and Monoclonal antibody treatment.


December 4, health authorities Confirmed Three cases of Omicron mutants in Washington. The three cases have been detected in different counties and are not considered related.

Related: Cases of Omicron COVID-19 confirmed in three counties in Washington


Health officials in Wisconsin announced the state’s first case of Omicron on December 4. A fully vaccinated man who received a booster shot showed mild COVID-19 symptoms after a recent visit to South Africa.

Related: Wisconsin reports the first Omicron incident




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