What We Know About Patients With New COVID Variants in Wisconsin – NBC Chicago
Wisconsin recorded the first case of a highly mutated Omicron COVID-19 mutant on Saturday in a resident who recently traveled to South Africa, according to the Ministry of Health.
According to the Wisconsin Department of Health, a resident of Milwaukee County, and according to the Department of Health, who recently returned from a trip to South Africa, the person with the new variant is an adult male.
Health officials in Wisconsin said the man was completely vaccinated against the virus and received a booster shot. He reported mild symptoms and did not require hospitalization.
Officials added that contact tracing efforts in this case have been completed.
“We are prepared for this news and will continue to trust science to keep the Wisconsins and our community healthy and safe,” said Governor Tony Evers. “Now is the time to double our efforts to stop the COVID-19 epidemic, including the Omicron variant. I have all qualified Wisconsin vaccinated and boosted as soon as possible. , We strongly recommend that you follow the latest public health guidance. “
Officials said the incident had nothing to do with the COVID-19 outbreak currently being investigated by the DHS and the Milwaukee City Department of Health.
According to health authorities, DHS identifies COVID mutants through a process called whole-genome sequencing. In this process, a virus sample is taken from a positive sample and the genetic code is read to determine the genetic composition.
On Thursday, Minnesota recorded the first Midwestern incident Omicron COVID variant Health officials said through a specimen from a resident who “has a recent travel history to New York City.”
According to the Minnesota Health Department, the person carrying this subspecies is an adult male resident of Hennepin County who has been vaccinated. His symptoms have “solved”.
According to health officials, the person had mild symptoms on 22 November and was tested for COVID on 24 November. He reported his trip to New York City and attended the Anime NYC 2021 Tournament at the Javits Center from November 19th to 21st.
The Department of Health said Minnesota epidemiologists would continue to investigate with New York City and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
“The news is worrisome, but not surprising,” Minnesota Governor Tim Walz said in a statement. “We know that this virus is highly infectious and travels quickly around the world. Minnesotas now know what to do to keep each other safe — get a vaccine and Take a test, wear a mask indoors and get a booster. You can fight together This virus helps keep Minnesota safe. “
Health authorities in both Wisconsin and Minnesota urge residents to be vaccinated against COVID, wear appropriate masks, take booster shots if qualified, and be tested if symptomatic. I did.
So far, Omicron variants have been detected in 12 states across the United States. The breakdown of cases and locations is as follows.
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