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Israeli Lab: Gaucher’s Medicine May Work Against Coronavirus, Other Viral Infections



Israeli scientists, Israel Institute of Biology (IIBR) appears to be a combination of two existing antiviral drugs for Gaucher disease that inhibits the growth of SAV CoV-2 (a virus that leads to COVID-19) and other viral infections, including common influenza strains. I have found that it may act against.

IIBR is a government research center specializing in biology, chemistry and environmental sciences under the jurisdiction of the Prime Minister’s Office. Announcements were issued by the Department of Defense during the pandemic.

Pluristem Lab. Photo: David Garb

According to a press release on Tuesday, scientists at the covert Institute of Biological Protection are currently testing analogues of the FDA-approved drug Serderga and an analogue of its second drug, Benglestat. They found that these drugs combined to significantly reduce the coronavirus’s ability to replicate and destroy infected cells.

This scanning electron microscopy image shows SARS-CoV-2 (a round blue object) emerging from the surface of cells cultured in the laboratory. SARS-CoV-2 (also known as 2019-nCoV) is a virus that causes COVID-19. According to NIAID-RML. Public domain. Link

The two drugs are used to treat Gaucher’s disease, the most inherited genetic disorder found in Ashkenazi Jewish people, where fatty substances accumulate in certain organs, especially the spleen and liver, and their function. May affect. According to the Mayo Clinic, the condition can cause skeletal abnormalities and blood disorders. Rarely, Gaucher disease can also cause brain inflammation. This disease is unrelated to COVID-19.

Israeli researchers have tested the drug in a mouse model using four different RNA viruses. The neuroinvasive Sindbis virus (SVNI) is an infection transmitted through mosquitoes that can cause debilitating musculoskeletal symptoms over the years. West Nile virus (WNV). This is also a mosquito-borne disease that can cause neurological disease and can be fatal. Influenza A virus, a strain of influenza. And SARS-CoV-2.

Researchers have found that the two drugs work in all four cases. They are glucosylceramide synthase (GCS), Glucocerebroside, Lipids that accumulate in the tissues of patients with Gaucher disease. In a laboratory setting, it suppressed viral replication and increased survival in mice infected with SVNI.

In the case of COVID-19, the drug “has an antiviral effect on SARS-CoV-2 clinical isolates In a test tube, A single dose can significantly inhibit viral replication within 24-48 hours. “

The two drugs are currently being tested for efficacy in treating animals infected with coronaviruses.

the study, Published on bioRxivNot yet peer reviewed. The authors are all from the Infectious Diseases Department of IIBR

This data suggests that “GCS inhibitors may serve as broad-spectrum antiviral therapies and need to be further investigated in preclinical and clinical trials,” with diversion of approved drugs to Lines are significantly shortened and available treatments.

“Treatment of new diseases such as COVID-19 using existing approved drugs is one of the major challenges in addressing such pandemics is research and the approval of new drugs,” the Department of Defense announced. did.

A scientist at a lab at the Migal Research Institute where researchers are working on the development of a coronavirus vaccine. March 2020. Offer
A scientist at a lab at the Migal Research Institute where researchers are working on the development of a coronavirus vaccine. March 2020. Offer

In the laboratory, I have been doing various research on COVID-19 for several months. This includes research on possible treatments and vaccines. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, started research on vaccination at the laboratory in early February. Early April, Center Reported “significant progress” Animal experimentation.

The institute is also involved in the collection of plasma from Israelis who have recovered from COVID-19 and is studying antibodies, a protein made by the immune system that can attack the virus.

Earlier this month, IIBR said it Completed “Revolutionary Scientific Development” Towards potential antibody-based therapies that neutralize SARS-CoV2. According to IIBR, there were three important parameters in the development. First, the antibodies are monoclonal (all identical lab-made immune cells that are clones of their own parental cells) and have a low percentage of harmful proteins. Second, the lab “demonstrated the ability of antibodies to neutralize coronaviruses.” Third, the antibody was specifically tested with SARS CoV-2.

The Nes Ziona-based institute said it is currently pursuing patents for its development and will then approach international manufacturers.

With the Israeli science team Over 100 groups around the world We are working on the development of COVID-19 vaccines and treatments.

Color scanning electron micrograph of apoptotic cells (green) strongly infected with SARS-COV-2 virus particles (purple) isolated from a patient sample. Color-enhanced image captured at the NIAID Integrated Research Facility (IRF) in Fort Detrick, MD. Credit: NIAID

At least 10 candidate vaccines are in clinical evaluation,
Moderna, a Massachusetts-based company that developed an vaccine that is about to go into clinical trials, and California-based biotechnology company Gilead Sciences, Inc. The drug is being evaluated for safety and efficacy in adults. I was diagnosed with COVID-19.

Last month, Israeli scientists Migal Galilee Institute To further adapt the vaccine developed for the deadly coronavirus that affects poultry used by humans, a new company called MigVax was established. Scientists have been working for four years to develop an IBV (infectious bronchitis virus) vaccine that affects the respiratory tract, intestines, kidneys, and reproductive system of poultry.

Research Institute, Maigal Institute. courtesy
Research Institute, Maigal Institute. courtesy

Also in April, Israeli scientists Obtained US patent for his innovative vaccine design For the coronavirus family, he showed that he was on track to develop a vaccine for SARS CoV2.

in the meantime, Two Israeli biomedical companies received FDA approval Treatment options that allow the use of unapproved medications in critically ill patients for individual trials in the US using the respective solutions of COVID-19 as part of a caring use program.

Both RedHill BioPharma, A listed professional biopharmaceutical company, and Pull system therapyIs also a public company that specializes in placental cell therapy, including the investigational drug opaganib, and
Placental cell therapy PLX, respectively.


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