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An aerial photograph shows people gathered in a circle drawn on grass on social distance at Dolores Park in San Francisco on May 22.

Josh Edelson / AFP via Getty Images

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Josh Edelson / AFP via Getty Images

An aerial photograph shows people gathered in a circle drawn on grass on social distance at Dolores Park in San Francisco on May 22.

Josh Edelson / AFP via Getty Images

World’s top health officials warned that there may be an immediate “second peak” of coronavirus infection during the current outbreak, apart from the “second wave” expected in the fall. I am. With fewer lawsuits in some countries, authorities are concerned that deregulation will be premature.

“The key to understanding the different patterns emerging around the world is the perception that this coronavirus is not influenza,” said Dr. Margaret Harris, a member of the World Health Organization’s Coronavirus Response Team.

“Many people put their expectations on what I call the“ flu lens ”. They continue to think it’s seasonal, “she says Morning edition. “But looking all over the world, we don’t see any seasonal patterns, as the country has a large and massive epidemic in the middle of summer and autumn. In fact, people relax too quickly. The situation is then seen, and then they will see an increase in infectious diseases, so we certainly don’t say you need to be in a blockade, but we are careful and safe. I say that I have hearts.

Here are excerpts from the interview.

What would you advise the US and other countries to prevent the second peak?

First of all, I know your communication. Of course, America is a huge country. You have many, many different states, communities, and cities that are experiencing very different infections. … thus, of course, they need to adjust their paces depending on what is really happening. So how do you know that? Need to test. You need to track. And you need to have a very clear eye on what’s going on with the contagion of your community so you can choose your moment.

President Trump threatens to stop or leave US funding for WHO. Given these tensions, are you concerned that the United States is not paying attention to the WTO’s advice and guidance?

America is a great partner and we have very deep scientific expertise. Now this kind of tension is obviously a concern. And we don’t want to leave the United States. We know that the world has greatly benefited from public health leadership and the role that the United States has always played. And I hope it continues.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Adern recently celebrated There is currently no one in that country At a hospital receiving COVID-19 treatment. And let’s take a look at the United States, which could face a second peak in the current pandemic. What is the current situation when we look at the global impact of this pandemic?

Many areas of the world are actually experiencing very large outbreaks. In fact, last week we recorded the maximum number of new cases we saw each day. One of the problems is that “well, it’s complete, complete, and cohesive” when people see a particular outbreak occur. But it’s not. Indeed, a country like New Zealand has a very clear communication, a very clear structure, a very clear decision on what to do when and how, and a very strong commitment by everyone in the community. I have shown you what you can do.

Listen to the full interview at the voice link above.

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