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Only one COVID-19 spreads to tens of people in hours


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Observing social distance with a mask can stop the occurrence of a “super spread” event. Getty images
  • Airborne transmission of viruses can be facilitated by certain activities such as speaking, screaming, and singing.
  • These vocalizations produce more aerosolized saliva compared to breathing alone.
  • Some studies have shown that certain people release more than average saliva when breathing or speaking.

Experts have warned that caution must be taken to prevent so-called “super spreader” events as states across the country are beginning to relax COVID-19 restrictions.

The COVID-19 Super Spreader event occurs when a person with SARS-CoV-2 delivers the virus to multiple people at an event or meeting.

For example, Up to 52 Developed COVID-19 after participating in a March choir practice in Skagit County, Washington. Three choir members were hospitalized for this disease and two died.

In Chicago, Illinois 16 confirmed or probable cases One of COVID-19 is linked to a funeral and birthday party attended by the same man. He had mild respiratory symptoms at the time and was later tested positive for the virus.

“If one of these types of population has a minimally symptomatic or asymptomatic super spreader, the virus spreads to other people.” Dr. Joseph HabazaRespiratory and emergency care professionals at the Independence Family Health Center at the Cleveland Clinic in Independence, Ohio, told Healthline.

“Whether they develop symptoms or not, they can then spread the virus to other more vulnerable people in their lives, such as parents, grandparents, or any high-risk population,” he said. Continued.

According to Habaza, SARS-CoV-2 is likely to spread under certain conditions.

For example, indoor events and gatherings appear to be at a higher risk than outdoor events.

He said that gatherings where people sit and stand nearby seem more dangerous than gatherings where people are far from each other.

Airborne transmission of the virus may also be facilitated by certain activities such as speaking, screaming, and singing. These vocalizations produce more aerosolized saliva compared to breathing alone.

This includes many cases related to chorus practice in Washington, Cluster of cases It goes back to a night club in Seoul, Korea.

“Both choirs and nightclubs are places where I think more water droplets are created by singing and speaking loudly about the music around us,” says Habaza.

In addition, touching the same surface or item, such as a shared servingware, while carrying it in can cause you to get a virus. When a virus-infected person touches an item, it allows the virus to pass between surfaces, objects and hands.

In addition to environmental factors, individual differences in those who contract for SARS-CoV-2 can affect the likelihood that the virus will spread to others.

Some studies have shown that certain people release more than average saliva when breathing or speaking. These “super emitters” are more likely to spread viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 than other viruses.

People with symptomatic infections are also more likely to be infected with SARS-CoV-2 than people who are asymptomatic carriers. However, further investigation is needed to confirm it.

“I’m not sure about this yet, but it is believed that anyone with a viral symptom, such as fever, chills, cough, dyspnea, sore throat, sore throat, can easily spread the virus. . ” Dr. Christopher WorshamHe specializes in respiratory and emergency medicine at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, told Healthline.

“It can also spread to people who are asymptomatic and who are infected but not aware they may be infected,” he said.

To limit the spread of the virus, Habaza and Walsham encourage people to maintain physical distances, wash their hands frequently, and avoid touching their faces as much as possible.

“Crowded indoor spaces with people on their shoulders, or activities like contact sports should be avoided [along with] A large gathering, “Warsham said.

“Even for small gatherings, having sufficient space, soap, and hand sanitizer to maintain a social distance and having recent contact with people who are feeling sick or have feeling sick. I advise one person not to come to the rally, “he added.

Habaza told Health Mask that wearing face masks could limit the spread of the community, especially when people are in close and lasting contact with each other.

Community members practicing these strategies can help prevent super-spreader events and reduce the number of new cases that occur when companies restart and authorities relax restrictions on rallying.

“Keep in mind that the virus is still there and it will catch on in the near future,” Walsham said.

“Even though the restrictions have been relaxed, the core steps we are taking, such as social distance, washing hands, and wearing masks, are no longer important,” he added.


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