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COVID-19: Parents and teachers in New Brunswick want stability as more cases in school-New Brunswick


If you ask New Brunswick students to explain the fall semester, they rarely say it was easy.

Jenna Morton, who runs a parenting blog in the state and has three elementary school children, says the answers most children and parents get can actually be non-verbal.

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COVID-19: New Brunswick reports 111 new cases, 10 in schools and day care facilities

“I have a lot of heavy sighs,” she says.

“It’s a constant stream of last-minute complications that is constantly changing.”

During COVID-related closures, major labor disputes, bad weather, and power outages, Morton says her young children seemed to spend more time at home than in the classroom.

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“From September to December of this year, my three children’s school week was negligible, if any,” she says.

On Wednesday alone, public health reported that COVID-19 had driven six schools to work days, with 53 schools affected by the surge in cases of the education system.

Unions representing teachers across the state say that what is not seen in these numbers is the number of people scrambling behind the scenes to make these open and distance learning days work. increase.

Connie Keating, President of the New Brunswick Teachers Association, said: “There is a myth that teachers, parents and students can all adapt to online learning at the push of a button.

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“That’s certainly not the case.”

Keating asks the union to cooperate with them in public health and sets a deadline for the Ministry of Education and Infant Development, as confirmed cases may be communicated to education staff after 10 pm in the evening. He states that he requested.

“The sooner the better,” says Keating.

She states that the details need to be fine-tuned – controlling when a case is detected is somewhat limited.

Today, in addition to everything managed by teachers, parents and students, the countdown clock is ticking for the winter holidays.

Needless to say, anxiety is high, and the state Minister of Education admits it.

“There are people in every government sector, many of whom have children in the school system. They share that anxiety and work day and night to keep our school as safe as possible.” Minister Dominique Cardy says.

read more:

Two NB schools moved to distance learning, with more COVID-19 cases confirmed over the weekend

Cardy asks his parents to be aware of family life outside the classroom and how it affects the current prevalence of COVID-19.

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“Your life as a parent and your children as a student are not limited to school buildings and school days,” says Cardy.

“What happens before and after, how we all respond as citizens, that is to ensure that this pandemic returns to a situation where we can tolerate it until we all have a medical solution. I’ll be waiting. “

In addition to most parents’ Christmas list? Morton says there is some stability in the New Year.

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New Brunswick COVID-19 Winter Action Plan Rules Causes Confusion

New Brunswick COVID-19 Winter Action Plan Rules Causes Confusion

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