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6 ways you can damage your brain, such as spending Friday night alone


The brain is arguably our most important organ.

However, many of us have been guilty of slow, brain-damaging daily habits over the years.

You may be surprised to hear that what you do well is linked Illnesses like dementia.

However, in most cases you can easily adjust it.

Read on to find out how to keep your brain at optimal levels.


It’s not a bad thing to spend Friday night alone with a glass of wine and Netflix. In fact, for many, it’s a dream.

But if you Feel lonely or isolated From other parts of the world, it can harm your health over time.

Loneliness has long been associated with cognitive decline and the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

one U.S. studies Looking at the brains of healthy adults, those who reported loneliness were found to have high levels of cortical amyloid, a marker useful in diagnosing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Participants with increased amyloid were 7.5 times more likely to identify themselves as lonely, according to Harvard Medical School.

Many people, especially the elderly, feel separated from the world because charities have no choice but to try and fight.

It’s not just the long-term effects of loneliness that have been studied.

According to a study by King’s College London, our isolated people are 24% more likely to feel tired and have a hard time concentrating.

No sense of purpose

Do you agree or disagree with the statement that “I have a direction and purpose in life”?

According to a four-year study of 900 people in Chicago, those who agreed tended to have a much lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

the study Having a “purpose” does not simply prove to be protective against memory-wiping illnesses.

But similarly, studies have shown that older people who have a hobby or are trying to engage in social activities may be older.

Age UK said:

“People who are socially involved seem to have a lower risk of dementia, but the evidence is still not strong enough to draw firm conclusions.”

I’m not getting enough sleep

Like loneliness Lack of sleep It is associated with both dementia in later years and definitely causes problems that work all day long.

We can all be involved in a state of sound turmoil, sometimes every night, after a good night’s sleep.

Sleep deprivation can contribute to dementia in later years.
Sleep deprivation can contribute to dementia in later years.

You may wipe it out as usual, but said Dr. Scott Kaiser, director of geriatric cognitive health at the Pacific Institute of Neuroscience. Don’t eat this: “The quantity and quality of sleep has serious physiological consequences that affect the long-term risk of our daily thinking, memory, mood, and cognitive decline.”

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, problems such as falling asleep, staying asleep, and taking a nap are associated with various forms of dementia.

If you don’t get enough good rest, you’ll have more protein amyloid in your brain, which may be characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease.

“This has led to suggestions that improved sleep quality may slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease,” said the charity, but noted that the topic was “complex.”

Not exercising

Regular training is not only for the body, but also for the brain.

A study at the University of British Columbia found that regular aerobic exercise increased the size of the hippocampus. The hippocampus is the area of ​​the brain involved in language memory and learning.

Aerobic exercise, in contrast to muscle and weight training, stimulates the heart and sweats.

Similarly, high-intensity training maintains blood flow to the brain, researchers at the University of Queensland have discovered.

Staying active is one of many preventive tips strengthened by experts to stop dementia.

Exercise can also reduce your risk of developing illnesses that may be related to your brain, such as lowering blood pressure, which can lead to a stroke.

Poor eating habits

Similarly, keeping your diet healthy and managing your weight can indirectly help your brain by expelling illnesses like high blood pressure.

The brain, which controls the whole body, gets fuel from the food it eats.

Harvard Health “Eating high-quality foods high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants nourishes the brain and protects it from oxidative stress. It is the” waste “produced when the body uses oxygen. It is a “thing” (free radical) that can damage cells.

“Ingestion of anything other than premium fuels can damage your brain.”

Some foods are considered to be best for brain health — salmon (high in omega 3), dark chocolate, berries, nuts, and eggs are just a few.

Studies have shown that a typical “Western” diet of highly processed foods is associated with a higher rate of depression than a healthier diet such as the Mediterranean or Japanese. ..

Researchers say that a diet full of “junk” causes inflammation throughout the body, which can affect mental health and mood.

Listen to loud music

We all like to blow music at full volume over and over again.

But again, this can damage the eardrum. This is especially true when listening with earphones.

Repeated listening to loud music can damage your ears and cause dementia.
Repeated listening to loud music can damage your ears and cause dementia.

Deafness is associated with dementia if this is not bad enough, according to studies such as Johns Hopkins Medicine.

Dr. Frank Lin, who led the study, said:

“Hearing loss also leads to social isolation. You may not want to be with people too much, and you may not engage in much conversation when you are. These factors are one of dementia. It can be a cause. “

The NHS tells you not to listen to music above 60% of maximum volume to protect your hearing.

Do not use earphones or headphones for more than an hour at a time. Take a break every hour for at least 5 minutes.





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