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Goat and milk protein may also be key to preventing Covid-19, which Russian scientists advise


Coronaviruses seem to affect lower infants than in different populations, and Russian scientists advise that this may be a result of proteins in breast milk that protect their immune system. .. Now they are mainly trying out brand new medicines based on it.

“We see very few remote cases of infants being infected with coronaviruses among the thousands who are infected with coronaviruses.” In an interview with on the media portal, Igor Goldman, a Senior Analytical Fellow at the Institute of Gene Biology at the Russian Academy of Sciences, mentioned: He defined this as giving his crew an attempt to try lactoferrin-lactoferrin-a protein contained in breast milk that typically protests the infant’s immature immune system against all microbes and viruses.

Lactoferrin acts essentially as an immunostimulant, and scientists believe could potentially significantly improve human skills to fight viruses and microbes in infants as well as adults. Russian scientists have been working on the medical function of proteins for quite some time.


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Together with their Belarusian colleagues, they developed the same genetically engineered protein as humans, but again in 2007 it was extracted from goat milk. Property. In addition, as part of our laboratory evaluation, we have demonstrated superior skills in controlling the movement of viruses such as rotavirus, hepatitis C, and HIV. IGB experts believe it will also help combat the superbug, a microbial that is immune to the epidemic of antibiotics.

The idea of ​​using it for viral infections similar to Covid-19 is: “The scientific basis that has been rooted in the decades of testing for neolactoferrin is [Russian] Immunology Institute ” Goldman said.

Now scientists believe that proteins stimulate the adaptive immunity of individuals affected by Covid-19, reducing the severity of the symptoms. In addition, it could theoretically protect healthy individuals from infection and probably act as well as a vaccine. Lactoferrin usually prevents the virus from attaching to cells and multiplying.


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Although oral lavage with liquids containing neolactoferrin can be an effective barrier to the virus, scientists believe that capsules containing it may prevent the growth of bacterial problems.

Immunologist Vladimir Borivok warns that it’s too early to say how effective this new drug is in fighting the coronavirus. So far, drug builders have shipped some check samples of brand new treatments for preliminary trials. It got help from the Russian Federation Medical and Organic Company, a national public health company of the Ministry of Welfare.


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