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Metro Vancouver ICU has lower COVID-19 mortality than other jurisdictions: a study


COVID-19 patients admitted to six intensive care units in Lower Mainland are less likely to die than patients in other jurisdictions around the world, according to a new study published Wednesday.

It’s a sequel.
The study, published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, investigated 117 patients with COVID-19 admitted to the intensive care unit in Metro Vancouver between February 21 and April 14.

It’s a sequel.
As of May 5, sixty ICUs had a mortality rate of 15%, with 85% of these patients recovering or recovering from coronavirus.

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For some reason, the number was similar to the mortality rate seen in all patients admitted to the intensive care unit, Dr. Donald Griesdale, an intensive care physician and lead author of the study at Vancouver General Hospital, for some reason. I said yes.

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“Whenever I am admitted to an intensive care unit, there is always a risk that you cannot survive,” Grisdale told CTV News Vancouver.

It’s a sequel.
In other jurisdictions, COVID-19 patients have significantly higher mortality rates. Previous studies of COVID-19 patients undergoing intensive care recorded mortality rates as high as 62% in Wuhan, China. 50% in Seattle. 26% in Lombardy, Italy. 23% in New York.

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It was a concern for ICU doctors in BC. The virus spreads here, said Grisdale.

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“When we looked at the patients and they passed by, they came to the ICU, they got better and we began to notice, no, our results were not as bad as previously reported. No, “he said. “So we thought it was really important to convey that message.”

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Researchers aren’t sure why patients receiving intensive care in Metro Vancouver had better outcomes than elsewhere, but three people believe Glisdale has benefited in this area. Pointed out the “guess” element.

It’s a sequel.
These factors contribute to strong public health leadership from officials at both state and local levels, the serious consideration of physical distance restrictions, and strict adherence to the public, and intensive care units such as cancellations. He said it was a step taken to increase the potential capabilities. Selective surgery.

It’s a sequel.
“You can’t have one of these factors and you can’t get good results,” said Grisdale. “We have to work together. A strong public health leadership, a citizen who commits, listens to, carries out, and makes all the necessary sacrifices on social distances, and maintains its ability to Deliver high quality critical care, all three are needed, otherwise the system will be overloaded. “

It’s a sequel.
The six Metro Vancouver hospitals investigated in the study were Vancouver General Hospital, Surrey Memorial Hospital, Lions Gate Hospital, St. Paul Hospital, Royal Columbian Hospital, and Richmond Hospital.

It’s a sequel.
The hospital, located in British Columbia, was the hardest hit by the coronavirus outbreak. The vast majority of all state-recorded cases of COVID-19 were in the Vancouver Coastal Health Center and Fraser Health Center, one of two health authorities covering the lower mainland.

It’s a sequel.
As of Wednesday, Vancouver Coastal Health had 899 COVID-19 cases and Fraser Health had 1,267 cases. Among them, these two health authorities live in nearly 85% of the 2,550 people diagnosed with the virus in the state.


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