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Massive COVID surges cause hospital overcrowding – NBC Boston


Massachusetts hospitals are crowded in the midst of another COVID-19 surge. Patients are waiting to be seen in the emergency room for hours and in the hospital bed for days. And Boston doctors expect things to only get worse.

“Our healthcare system is being challenged,” said Dr. John Santiago of the Boston Medical Center. “It was difficult before COVID, but especially with this pandemic and this new surge.”

Massachusetts representative and emergency room doctor Santiago has blamed overload for several issues, including a shortage of staff, an increase in coronavirus, and prolonged treatment that worsened throughout the pandemic.

“We are short of beds not only in small hospitals, but also in large hospitals. When we go to the federal emergency department, there are beds in the ER and there are people on board.-It’s the room opening. Waiting-especially for psychiatry. “

In Massachusetts, cases of coronavirus are now one of the worst surges in the country. Delta variants have driven a surge in COVID cases after Thanksgiving, but the effects of highly mutated Omicron variants have not yet been seen as they gained a foothold in Bay.

Omicron variant First detected in Massachusetts Early this month. Many important questions about highly mutated variants remain unanswered, However World Health Organization on Wednesday He said the new strain could change the course of the pandemic.

The top three Boston doctors explain what they’ve learned about the new Omicron variant and what it means for Massachusetts.

A Boston doctor told NBC10 Boston: They already feel tImpact of serge During the week “COVID Q & A” series. In hospitals, COVID-19 hospitalizations have increased by about 134% in the past month and by about 50% in the last two weeks. About 93% of the state’s medical and surgical beds are full, and 87% of the ICU beds are full.

Santiago said he expects the situation to get worse.

“The concern is that in the winter, the rise in omicron variants and deltas is still very high, with an increase in influenza and more patients who are or are probably trying to get the care they need for months. That’s right. Many years ago, something went wrong, “Santiago said. “I’m guessing it’s only getting worse in the last few weeks, and it’s only getting worse before it gets even better.”

Governor Charlie Baker has taken steps to address hospital overcrowding by requiring healthcare providers with limited numbers of beds to suspend non-urgent procedures.

Massachusetts isn’t the only state experiencing a surge in incidents and hospitalizations, it’s happening New England as a whole In the last few weeks. Governor of Maine and Governor of New Hampshire announced earlier this week that they would activate the National Guard to increase the capacity of state hospitals.

Asked about those announcements on ThursdayBaker said he is trying to determine if the Massachusetts National Guard can be summoned without causing further confusion to health care workers.

“I don’t want to take people who are civilian soldiers who are currently part of the guards working in many positions in these hospitals,” Baker said. “If there is a way to deploy Guard and engage Guard as an auxiliary and supportive group to support what is happening in the healthcare system, we will definitely pursue and deploy it.”

The State Capitol News Agency contributed to this report.





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