Steps Chicago can take if COVID metrics continue to rise – NBC Chicago, according to Citi’s top documentation
Chicago officials this week elaborated on the steps health authorities can take to curb increasing coronavirus metrics throughout the city, including providing evidence of vaccination and setting capacity limits.
There is at least one case as the new Omicron COVID-19 variant continues to spread throughout the United States. Specific in ChicagoHealth officials say the city may begin demanding proof of vaccination status in public places.
At a live Facebook event, Chicago Public Health Director Dr. Allison Arwadi said some private institutions have already begun demanding vaccination proof, and the city could follow suit.
“May we start asking for vaccination certification for more activities and public spaces? Yes, I think so,” Arwady said. “I’m certainly more interested in it than having to perform some of the major shutdowns.”
She said Chicago would continue to demand masks indoors, demand virus vaccination of city workers, and encourage hand washing and increased social distance as COVID cases increase throughout the city.
Earlier, Chicago officials provided proof of vaccination requirements similar to New York City for indoor dining, restaurants, bars, gyms, and other locations. It wasn’t “from the table”.
Carlos Ramirez-Rosa, Chicago’s Alderman in District 35, said authorities would limit capacity thresholds at various facilities, similar to what the city did during last year’s massive COVID surge. He said he may consider mitigation measures.
“One option is to limit the number of people who can attend bars and restaurants, perhaps 50% or less,” Rosa said.
He added that residents should not be worried about potential policies, as authorities have done so “with very good results” across the United States.
On Monday, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said her administration had no plans to establish employee vaccine requirements similar to New York City. New York City plans to enact employee vaccine requirements later this year.
Wrightfoot said in the availability of the press on Monday that he did not expect a similar mission to take effect in Chicago, and there is real doubt as to whether such a requirement would pass judicial review. Said.
“I don’t know that here in the city of Chicago,” she said. “And frankly, the question is whether to keep what such things always come as a judicial review.”
Lightfoot requires all city employees to be vaccinated against COVID or undergo biweekly inspections, but many companies and venue efforts to implement different requirements for customers and attendees. I am grateful to you. COVID vaccination or negative COVID test to enter the establishment.
“I’m encouraged and encourage all types of employers to make sure they’re doing everything they can to maximize workplace safety, as we did.” She said.
With the increasing number of cases of COVID and the emergence of the Omicron variant in the United States, Lightfoot says that taking steps to promote vaccination and social distance is the key to maintaining the safety of the population. I am saying.
“A pandemic is a reality.” It never goes away, “she said.
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