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Most cases of Omicron in the United States were mild, but most were vaccinated, the CDC reports.

Most cases of Omicron in the United States were mild, but most were vaccinated, the CDC reports.


The first CDC report on Omicron variants in the United States shows that vaccination does not protect people from infection, but it also shows that the first cases detected were mild or moderate.

“One vaccinated patient has been hospitalized for two days and no deaths have been reported so far,” the CDC Covid Response Team reported. “Case studies identified exposures associated with international and domestic travel, large public events, and domestic infections.”

“The earliest day of onset of symptoms was November 15th for people with a history of traveling abroad,” the researchers added. “14 (33%) reported a 14-day trip abroad prior to the onset of symptoms or receipt of positive test results.”

They state that 79% of infected people have been vaccinated twice with Pfizer / BioNTech or Moderna or once with Johnson & Johnson. Five of the 14 people who received the booster dose were boosted at least two weeks ago and should have had the highest level of immune protection.

“The most commonly reported symptoms were cough, malaise, stuffy nose or runny nose,” the researchers write.

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The Delta is still the dominant variant in the United States, the research team said.

“Given the 2-3 weeks from sample collection to the availability of sequence data for analysis, additional infections with Omicron from late November are likely to be detected in the next few days,” they said. wrote.

“Scientists around the world are quicker about the Omicron variant to better understand how easily the Omicron variant is transmitted and the effectiveness of current diagnostic tests, vaccines, and therapies for this variant. We are working to learn from, “they added.

“Many of the first reported cases of Omicron variant infection appear to be mild, but like all variants, there is a delay between infection and more severe outcomes and vaccination. Symptoms are expected to be milder in those who have received and those who have had previous SARS-CoV-2 infections than those who have not been vaccinated. “

Researchers said that people who have recently traveled abroad are likely to be young, healthy, or both, and may not represent the general public. If Omicron variants are widespread, their very high numbers can mean that serious cases can occur. “Even if most infections are mild, highly infectious mutations can lead to sufficient cases to overwhelm the healthcare system. The clinical severity of infection with the Omicron variant is additional. It will be better understood as cases are identified and investigated, “they wrote.

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“Scientists in South Africa and elsewhere have established a system that enables research in laboratory, clinical and epidemiological features. The CDC is working with health authorities around the world to patients with Omicron variant infections. Learn more about the characteristics of. “

Separately, a team of government and scholars British researchers reported Many people infected with the Omicron variant were also vaccinated and boosted.

“Our findings show that the vaccine efficacy of the Omicron mutant for symptomatic disease is significantly lower than that of the Delta mutant,” said a team led by Nick Andrews of the UK Health and Security Agency. Reported in a preprint posted online.

They tested 581 cases infected there with the Omicron variant, examined vaccination records, and compared it to thousands of people who were vaccinated when the Delta variant was predominant. ..

The two doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine (widely used in the UK but not licensed in the US) did not provide protection after 15 weeks, they wrote. People who have recently been vaccinated twice with the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine appeared to have stronger protection against Omicron, but if vaccinated more than 4 months ago, the efficacy is less than 37%. It has dropped to.

The Pfizer vaccine booster restored vaccine efficacy to about 75% against Omicron, they wrote. However, they said the findings involved a small number of people.

Ages 16 and 17 were eligible for the Pfizer / BioNTech Covid-19 Vaccine Booster.

“So far, the number of cases of Omicron is small, and the natural delay between infection and more serious outcomes makes it impossible to determine protection against serious forms of the disease,” they write. increase.

Both UK and US teams have encouraged booster vaccinations.

“The booster effect is especially urgent for people at high risk of serious illness, such as those living in nursing homes and long-term care facilities. In addition, the CDC is practically or highly permeable to anyone over the age of two,” the CDC team said. Is writing.

According to the CDC, all known mitigation methods should be adopted. “Simultaneous preventive strategies such as vaccination, masking, improved ventilation, testing, quarantine and quarantine are recommended to delay SARS-CoV-2 infection and protect against serious illness, hospitalization and death from COVID-19. Will be. “The team wrote.

“Many measures have been taken throughout the COVID-19 pandemic to reduce the introduction and spread of SARS-CoV-2 in the United States through travel. For example, masks are used in indoor areas of public transportation that travel indoors. Required, or outside the United States, and within the indoor premises of a US transportation hub, “they added.





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