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New Zealander Selling Covid-19 Bleach “Remedies” Accused by Scientists | 1 News


The New Zealand website advises people with coronavirus symptoms to drink and inhale bleach products marketed by the Bishop, an American organization such as the cult Hauraki Plains. I will.

Ingredients used in the production of chlorine dioxide sold on the Roger Break website, or Miracle Mineral Supplement.

Susan Strongman

But experts warn that this product-chlorine dioxide-is dangerous, should not be taken, and does not treat Covid-19.

Roger Blake, a Ngatea man, sells bleach through the online business NZ Water Purifier Limited and is the “Bishop” of Genesis II Health and Healing Church.

The “church” was born in Florida and is not religious. Its only function is to promote the use of a bleaching agent called Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS). It also sells followers.

To become a “bishop” of the church, you need to download a $ 320 video course and provide two video testimonies of people “treated” by MMS.

Various claims about MMS made by Genesis II leaders include the ability to treat HIV, hepatitis, acne, cancer, and now Covid-19.

Blake has told RNZ that millions of people around the world have “overcome” everything from cancer to HIV to autism with MMS, and “thousands” of New Zealanders have embraced it, and since Covid -19 outbreaks have started.

Miracle Minerals, a New Zealand website that advises people to drink bleach, is linked to the same Ngatea address as Blake’s online NZ water purifier business.

The Miracle Minerals website describes how to consume bleach products for both adults and babies.

The site claims that bleach was “tested to be effective against coronaviruses.” This is a website that explicitly shows users what products to buy from Break’s NZ water purifier business and how to prepare them, and a website where you can buy sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid in two 125 ml bottles for $ 33 as a “water purification solution”. With a link to.

The combination of the two liquids produces chlorine dioxide, a reddish brown liquid commonly used as a bleaching agent.

Blake claims it is safe to drink chlorine dioxide-he drank it himself and diluted it with water to a concentration of 50 million. When used to treat drinking water, the maximum concentration allowed by the Ministry of Health is 0.8ppm.

He said “tens of studies” have shown to be safe for human consumption. “It’s not easy.”

“It’s very dangerous to consume.”

Medical researcher Dr. Shawn Holt said products such as MMS, Miracle Mineral Solutions, Miracle Mineral Supplements, and CD Protocols have been around for a long time. “I have been warning about this for 10 years.

“It goes without saying that consuming is very dangerous. It’s an industrial-strength bleach. There’s no scientific evidence joke that it can help anything.”

Consumption of bleach can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration and, in severe cases, death. The product can explode if not handled carefully.

Blake calls the warning about the dangers of drinking chlorine dioxide “fake propaganda.” He said he would not recommend it to people if he believed it was harmful.

Mark Glennon, Genesis II’s “Archbishop” of the New Zealand Miracle Minerals website, told Ms. Donald Trump in April of this year MMS, a wonderful detox that can kill 99% of the pathogens in it. I was able to “remove the body of Covid-19”. Colombian Glenn also claimed that Covid-19 was a “fraud by Bill Gates” rather than being caused by a virus.

Several days after the letter was sent, Mr. Trump was accused at a press conference of talking about the possibility of injecting antiseptic into his body as a way to fight Covid-19.

Earlier this month, the Australian Department of Therapeutic Goods (TGA) fined MMS Australia a total of $ 151,200 for alleged illegal advertising of Miracle Mineral Solutions and other medicines.

In a warning regarding this product, TGA said that MMS is often sold as a water drop-similar to products sold in New Zealand.

TGA says, “It contains a high concentration of sodium chlorite, a chemical used as a fiber bleach and disinfectant. Products containing high levels of sodium chlorite are not It poses a health risk. “

In April, US federal court issued a temporary injunction against Genesis II, blocking the sale of chlorine dioxide to treat Covid-19.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said, “Products that claim to cure, treat, or prevent serious illnesses, such as Covid-19, cause consumers to delay or discontinue proper medical care, causing serious and life-threatening harm.” It could bring us, “cited the concern. In 2019, the FDA warned parents not to give MMS to their children.

Under New Zealand pharmaceutical law, it is illegal to advertise the use of a product to prevent, mitigate, or cure a disease without approval.

But Dr. Holt says that the people who sell the product are playing “cat and mouse games” with the authorities, both in New Zealand and abroad.

“ They claim illegally, then they try and hide them, or they make an implicit claim, they change the name of the product, or slightly change the prescription …

In fact, this seems to be the case for the products advertised on the Miracle Mineral website. A 2009 letter from Medsafe has been edited with the recipient’s name (other letters posted on the same page are “Mr Blake” and “Mr Rothkham ‘”).

The Medsafe Letter requires removal of the therapeutic claims of Miracle Mineral Supplements associated with AIDS, hepatitis, malaria, herpes, tuberculosis, autism, and cancer. At that time, bleach products could be purchased directly from the Miracle Minerals website, rather than via a direct link to another business owned by Blake.

Two years later, during the heyday of Ebola in western Africa, Mark Grennon, the founder of Genesis II, and a former Scientologist who claimed to have used MMS to heal Ebola, claimed to be US $ 500. Presented-Head, 3 day seminar from Ngatea Property in Blake.

In 2015, Medsafe once again warned consumers that MMS was unsafe. “These products produce chlorine dioxide, which can be a serious health hazard when ingested. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and potentially life-threatening dehydration. . “

The Miracle Mineral website informs users that symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are “signs of MMS working.”

Dr. Holt states that nausea, vomiting and diarrhea indicate that the body has been poisoned and that immediate medical attention is required.

Dr. Alison Campbell, a biologist and science educator at the University of Waikato, said there were reports of giving MMS as an enema as parents were sucked into the theory of “cure” autism.

There is evidence to suggest that a New Zealand mother associated with a vaccinated Facebook group treated her autistic son multiple times with chlorine dioxide enemas.

Campbell is desperate when people are frightened or worried, leaving him vulnerable to the proponents of what she calls “magical thoughts” and curing many illnesses with one product like MMS. He showed the belief that he could do it.

“There’s no evidence that it works as it claims. I think it’s unethical to advertise it, and it’s not moral to claim it treats something like Covid-19.” I think. “(Blake calls Campbell’s comment” ridiculous “and adds that chemotherapy is immoral.)

Campbell said chlorine dioxide was used to kill surface pathogens, but was not approved for internal use “to kill organisms.”

The Ministry of Health has not yet answered RNZ’s question as to whether the allegations made on the Miracle Minerals website violate the Pharmaceuticals Act.

However, the ministry’s health-safety authority, Medsafe, today issued a warning warning consumers of the “potentially life-threatening side effects” of drinking MMS.

“Medsafe is unaware of any scientific evidence that these products are effective against pathogens in the body when they are consumed,” writes the warning.

“Don’t buy or consume the related products described as Miracle Mineral Solutions products or Water Purification Solutions. The consumption of these products is the same as drinking bleach.”


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