Covid-19: Men vaccinated up to 10 vaccines daily, labeled “dam” and “selfish” by experts
![Covid-19: Men vaccinated up to 10 vaccines daily, labeled “dam” and “selfish” by experts Covid-19: Men vaccinated up to 10 vaccines daily, labeled “dam” and “selfish” by experts](
Vaccine experts, Men’s decision to get up to 10 Covid-19 vaccines daily It was dangerous, stupid, and selfish on behalf of others.
The Ministry of Health is investigating human behavior. thing I have visited several vaccination centers and understand that I was paid to receive a jab.
“We take this issue very seriously. We are very concerned about this situation and are working with the appropriate agencies.” COVID-19 Astrid Koornneef, Group Manager for Vaccines and Immunization Programs, said.
The ministry did not ascertain where the incident occurred, but advised anyone who knew who took more than recommended doses to seek clinical advice as soon as possible.
read more:
* Covid-19: Men receive up to 10 vaccines daily
* Covid-19: 60 in hospital, 3 in intensive care unit when delta occurs
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Chris McKean / Staff
Vaccine scholar and associate professor Helen Petousis-Harris said the man would probably be well in the long run, but he may have felt “not very good” the next day.
Vaccine scholar and associate professor at the University of Auckland Helen Petsis-Harris Said thing The study did not cover such overdose, so data on what would happen to people who received 10 Covid vaccines daily was limited.
“That’s really ridiculous,” she said.
As for the long-term effects that men may suffer, she said, the vaccine will come out of the body in a few days, so it’s probably okay.
However, she said the man was likely not feeling very well the next day, as a more active immune response causes side effects.
“I think they are more likely to feel very terrible than those who take regular doses.”
It is understood that the man went to several vaccination centers.
She added that although men do have immunity from Covid-19, there was no additional benefit from having so many jabs because the evoked immune response becomes a plateau.
This was one of the factors considered when scientists established the recommended dose size. Higher doses increase the response, but have no effect.
It was impossible to know when a man would need a second dose, but Petsis Harris probably didn’t want to take it in a hurry.
She wondered about the man’s financial situation and whether he was desperate for money, but was also critical of those who had sufficient privileges to pay to avoid vaccination. did.
“It’s incredibly selfish,” said Petsis Harris.
Jericho Rock-Archer
Immunologist Professor Graham Le Gros says it’s useless for men to get so many vaccines when some haven’t been vaccinated yet.
Malagan Institute Director and Professor of Immunology Graham Le Gros He said it was “stupid and dangerous” for both men and those who were not vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine, especially if there were variants of Delta around.
He added that the man probably had “I really hurt my arm” After having 10 jabs.
The immune system was clever in that it “maximized” at some point, which means that 10 jabs a day are unlikely to die, but Le Gros said the dose was high. Too much, the vaccine is a virus.
“The immune system is not linear. You need just the right amount to get a really strong and beautiful immune response that protects you.”
He added that the process of repeated dosing, or another dosing after a few weeks, produced a much higher immune response compared to vaccination with a large dose at one time.
Moreover, it was useless to vaccinate more than necessary.
“They aren’t making themselves safer, they’re certainly stupid by helping those who need to be safe.”
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