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Increased hospitalization of COVID-19, ICU fills in winter weather



Increased hospitalization of COVID-19, ICU fills in winter weather

The emergency entrance to Martin Luther King Hospital is the hub of activities on Wednesday, January 27, 2021. The population served by MLK is predominantly Latino-American and black, both communities affected by the pandemic. Many residents live in dense, multi-generational homes, do important work, and suffer from secondary health due to a systematic lack of access to quality primary care throughout their lives. is. Photo courtesy of Jim Ruymen / UPI | License photo

December 12 (UPI)- COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) Hospitalizations are increasing in parts of the United States as winter weather begins and Omicron variants continue to spread.

According to federal data collected by, US hospitalizations have increased by 23% over the past 14 days, averaging 65,277 daily as of Saturday, while new cases average 119,325 daily within the same time frame, 40. % Increased. New York Times..

With 49,896,842 COVID-19 cases and 797,258 virus-related deaths reported nationwide since the pandemic began, the Great Lakes and the northeastern region of the United States have the highest number of winter surges. Was seen to increase. According to the data Collected by Johns Hopkins University.

New Hampshire cases are increasing by an average of 1,269 cases per day, up 27% in 14 days, straining the state’s hospital system.

Thursday, New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services I said only 2.6% Manned adult ICU beds are available throughout the state, and ICU beds are not available in the southwestern, North Country and Upper Valley areas of the state.

COVID-19 hospitalization 10% increase in Pennsylvania As of last Friday, the available adult ICU beds decreased to 13.5%, while the available pediatric ICU beds decreased to 7.7%.

Pennsylvania has the highest number of inpatients with coronavirus, at 4,927, which is 16.28% of volume, Ohio is second at 4,891 or 15.97% of volume, and Michigan is third at 4,695 or 20.67%. US Department of Health and Human Services Until Sunday.

WellSpan Health, which operates six acute care facilities in central and southern Pennsylvania, has recently approached 400 inpatient COVID-19 patients, who operate with 110% to 140% occupancy. .. WellSpan Health’s senior vice president told ABC News.

Approximately 66% of New Hampshire’s population is fully vaccinated, and Koren Superchi, vice president of patient care services at Littleton Regional Healthcare, said 89% of COVID-19 patients were unvaccinated. I did. In Pennsylvania, about 58% of the population is fully vaccinated, and WellSpan said 90% of patients are unvaccinated.

Seventy-two percent of the population nationwide have been vaccinated with at least one COVID-19 vaccination, and 60.8% have been fully vaccinated. according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Of those who are fully vaccinated, 26.6% have additional boost immunity.

Wednesday Senate Approve invalidation measures President Joe BidenVaccine Mandatory for Large Employers on Monday New York City Announces “Domestic First Measures” Need a private sector employee Get vaccinated against the virus by December 27th.

Mayor of New York Bill de Blasio Defended the above order CNN Trade union status On Sunday, he noted that vaccination rates in the city have risen from 57% to 71% since he first announced vaccine requirements to patrons of certain indoor businesses in August.

“I tell you what I heard from our business community, their greatest fear is shutdown,” said De Blasio. “Their greatest fear is to return to where we were in 2020, restrictions and people who lose their livelihoods.”

In its first report on the variant on Friday, the CDC reported 43 infections from the Omicron variant across 22 states during the first eight days of December.

Of these cases, one was hospitalized and no deaths were reported.

“The most commonly reported symptoms were cough, malaise, stuffy nose, or runny nose,” the CDC said. “One vaccinated patient has been hospitalized for two days and no deaths have been reported so far. Case studies have shown exposures associated with international and domestic travel, large public events, and domestic infections. Has been identified. ”

World Health Organization “Variant of concern” Last month after it was confirmed by South African scientists, where it has become the dominant stock.

To date, most US infections continue to result from Delta variants, according to the CDC.





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