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MLHU reports 75 new COVID-19 cases on Monday

MLHU reports 75 new COVID-19 cases on Monday


The Middlesex-London Health Unit (MLHU) reports 75 new COVID-19 cases on Monday after more than 100 cases were reported over the weekend.

Middlesex-There are currently a total of 15,418 cases and 255 related deaths (not new) in London, with 14,718 cases resolved and 445 remaining active. The majority of active cases, 337, are in the City of London.

Over the weekend, 43 new cases were reported on Saturday and 58 were reported on Sunday, but no new deaths were reported.

The 7-day moving average rose from 37.7 to 46.6 on Friday, the highest since late May.

Fortunately, hospitalization does not appear to increase the pace of cases. The London Health Sciences Center reports that there are 13 inpatients with COVID-19. This is one more than Friday and less than five in adult paramedics, children’s hospitals, or pediatric paramedics. Eleven staff members tested positive. As of Thursday, St. Joseph Healthcare reported only one staff case and no patient cases.

School outbreaks are active at Byron Northview Public School, Delaware Central School, Ecole Elemente Akatric Saint-Jandblebuch, Ecole Elemente Acadic Sainte Jeanne d’Arc, Mountfield Public School, Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School, Princess Elizabeth Public School. It is done. Schools, Riverside Public Schools, Sir Arthur Curtic Catholic Schools, St. Andre Beset Middle Schools, St. Jude Catholic Schools, St. Margaret Duville Schools, St. Mary Choir & Orchestra Catholic Schools, St. Nicholas Catholic Schools, West Oaks French Immersion Public Schools.

Outbreaks have been declared at the blessed Sacrament Catholic School and Tecumseh Public School.

While some students were returning to school on Monday after a week’s closure New closure It was also announced at several schools in the area.

Meanwhile, there are also three child care centers: Kid Zone Day Care Center, Tiny Hoppers Early Learning Center – Summerside and Wortley YMCA Child Care Centers.

Outbreaks continue at Western University’s Saugeen-Maitland Hall and Delaware Hall, and at Fanshawe College’s Merlin House Residence.

Southwestern Public Health also reports active outbreaks in the Caressant Care Bonnie Place in St. Thomas, and schools including: St. Joseph Catholic School in Tillsonburg, Woodstock Christian School, Immanuel Christian School in Islemer, Southridge Public School in Tillsonburg, St. Mary’s Catholic Elementary School in West Lawn.

Local COVID-19 count

The numbers recently available from other local public health authorities are:

Elgin-Oxford – 74 new (3 days total), 225 active, 5,706 total, 5,375 resolutions, 106 deaths (1 new)

Gray Blues – 16 new, 76 active, total 2,639, resolved 2,536, 23 dead

Haldimand-Norfolk – 4 new, 115 active, 3,634 total, 3,453 solutions, 58 deaths

Huron-Perth –82 active, total 2,661,2,509 resolved, 70 dead

Sarnia-Ramton-77 active, total 4,517, 4,362 resolved, 78 dead

Ontario health officials reported 1,536 new COVID-19 infections Monday when the positive rate reached its highest level in a few months.




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