Omicron doubles every day and a half in parts of the UK
South African health officials reported a significantly lower Covid-19 hospitalization rate than in the early days of the pandemic, despite a surge in infections, causing Omicron variants to continue to spread rapidly in the UK, with one day in some parts of the country. It is estimated to double every half.
Development follows evidence in the United States Growth of Omicron mutants.. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Omicron accounts for 2.9% of Covid cases nationwide in the week leading up to December 11, with 13.1% being the most concentrated in New York and New Jersey-controlled areas. ..
With one possible sign The number of cases of Covid-19 is increasing rapidlyIncomplete data from New York City showed that the percentage of positive tests in the week ended Tuesday increased by more than 5% from about 3.3% in the previous week.
In South Africa, where the Omicron subspecies was first identified in November and it has been the predominant subspecies since November, authorities were 19% at the same time, compared to Covid- in the current wave of infection. 1.7% of 19 cases said they were hospitalized. Mainly in the third wave caused by the delta variant.
Hospitalization increased by 70% last week compared to the previous week, but from a low base of many positive cases of people hospitalized with different complaints, Health Minister Joe Fara said at a media briefing on Friday. ..
Hospitalized people also suffer from less severe illnesses because they use less oxygen ventilators than previous waves and have a lower rate of hospitalization in the intensive care unit.
Waasila Jassat, a public health expert at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, said that adults under the age of 40 currently have an average stay of 3-4 days, and adults older than 4-5 days. The hospitalization rate for children also dropped from the initial 25% to less than 10%, and many positive cases were accidental, she said.
In summary, South Africa has a high percentage of people who have previously been infected with Covid-19, vaccinated, or both. However, Dr. Jasat warns that the lower severity is not yet due to this, and more research is needed to understand whether the mutant is more or less toxic than previous strains. was. She said that 93% of the deaths recorded so far were unvaccinated or partially vaccinated.
There are some signs that Gauteng, the country’s most populous state to date and the center of the Omicron wave, may have already peaked. On Thursday, it recorded 27% of total infections nationwide, compared to 70% 10 days ago.
Dr. Michel Groom, Head of Public Health at the National Institute for Infectious Diseases of South Africa, said: Earlier wave hospitalization trends reflected the number of cases, but early data show that this is no longer the case.
Nevertheless, health authorities elsewhere are not convinced of their experience in South Africa, where it is summer, Will be duplicated in the northern winter And even with the low toxicity of Omicron, a huge number of cases can cause problems in hospitals.
In the UK, increased evidence created a new daily record of more than 88,000 cases on Thursday. Omicron is rapidly becoming the dominant mutant.. As of Tuesday, health officials estimate that Omicron accounts for more than 73% of London’s cases, and that the number of Omicron cases doubles every day and a half. Throughout the United Kingdom, this subspecies was estimated to account for 41% of all cases.
Write to Stephen Fiddler [email protected]
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