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California warned that COVID-19 waves are coming

California warned that COVID-19 waves are coming


With Christmas holidays approaching, California officials It warns of the increased risk of winter surges caused by the combination of Delta and Omicron viruses.

Numbers to increase

Nationally, at least 319 cases of Omicron have been identified, and at least 49 cases have been identified in California.

Of a total of 30 Omicron cases in LA County, 24 were fully vaccinated and 4 were boosted. It is not known that he was hospitalized, and no one died.

Authorities said vaccinations and boosters could help fight Omicron, which threatens hospitals due to the explosive spread. Even if the variant turns out to be at low risk for serious illness, a significant increase in its contagiousness can overwhelm the hospital.

Authorities do not expect this winter to be as bad as last winter, given the availability of this year’s vaccinations. Nevertheless, the United States and California are already dealing with the Delta winter surge.

“Unfortunately, there are signs of a surge in winter following Thanksgiving holidays,” said Barbara Ferrer, director of public health at Los Angeles County. “Case rates and daily hospitalizations are steadily increasing, and we expect them to continue to increase as we enter winter vacation.”

National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention predict More than 1 million cases of new coronavirus can be recorded during Christmas week. In contrast, before and after Halloween, there were 500,000 new cases each week.

Throughout the state, COVID-19 hospitalizations have increased by 16% since November 24, and in much of Southern California the increase is even worse.

During the same period, COVID-19 hospitalizations increased by 106% in Ventura County, 41% in San Diego County, 40% in LA County, 35% in Riverside County, 27% in San Bernardino County, and 7% in Orange County. ..

Omicron is intensifying

Even health authorities in highly vaccinated areas such as the San Francisco Bay Area have begun to worry more about Omicron this week.

Omicron is currently found in all sewerage areas monitored by Santa Clara County, home of Silicon Valley.

Cody said highly vaccinated countries, including Denmark and Norway, saw “explosive growth in Omicron.”

“What I’m seeing is probably one of the most difficult moments we’ve ever fallen into a pandemic, and I think it’s difficult because that’s not what we’re expecting. “Cody said. “We have learned to live with COVID for the past two years, and we are all a little tired. But when you look around the corner, you see a lot of COVID and a lot of I would like to inform you that you can see Omicron. “

Health officials say they can hold holiday rallies without having to go back to the stay-at-home order.

Some people suggest that holding a rally among people of smaller size and wholly vaccinated and boosted would be less risky, and people do a quick test before meeting. He added that he should receive it.

Vaccination key

“If not vaccinated, we are seeing a winter of serious illness and death. If not vaccinated, for ourselves, our families, and the hospitals that will soon be overwhelmed,” said President Biden. Says. Said Thursday. “But the good news is that if you get vaccinated and get a booster shot, you will be protected from severe illness and death — duration.”

Biden said in a statement shortly after meeting with members of the COVID-19 response team that even the first shot would help unvaccinated people.

Other officials agree.

“In fact, we see a pretty big surge in our case, and the magnitude of the surge can actually put undue stress on the hospital,” said Barbara, director of public health at Los Angeles County. Feller takes care of a small percentage of newly infected people, even if they need a hospital.

“Given what we know, Omicron poses a significant threat to our community in Los Angeles,” Feller said. “Unvaccinated individuals still appear to be at the highest risk. However, all evidence so far is that fully vaccinated individuals are particularly infected or infected with others. It also shows that there is a high risk of infection. “

At-risk people, according to Feller, want to avoid attending large, crowded indoor events, such as weddings with hundreds of people in poorly ventilated areas, during this period of intense viral infection. maybe. Other strategies that can prevent the winter surge include adhering to the requirement to wear a mask indoors in public, staying home if you feel any illness, or just before meeting at a party or rally. Includes taking a quick test.

“Be very careful when gathering and celebrating to avoid getting into trouble during your vacation. If you don’t take common sense safety measures right now, you’ll be in a dangerous place from the end of the month to January. Feller said it could be placed and could significantly hinder recovery.




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