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The United States is lagging behind in launching a campaign to encourage booster shots as Omicron surgesExBulletin

The United States is lagging behind in launching a campaign to encourage booster shots as Omicron surgesExBulletin
The United States is lagging behind in launching a campaign to encourage booster shots as Omicron surgesExBulletin


With the proliferation of Omicrons, the UK government wants to stop hospitalization and death through extensive efforts to administer vaccine boosters.But this strategy faces major hurdles in the United States

Audi Cornish, Host:

Omicron variants are spreading rapidly. According to UK officials, it has already become a major coronavirus strain in London, causing a record number of new daily infections across the UK. Here in the United States, the number of cases is increasing. Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City says it’s clear that Omicron is now saying “fully in force” in the city. The question is what can be done. Now, the UK is betting on a full-scale campaign to reach as many people as possible with vaccine boosters, but in the United States, scientists have warned that booster efforts may already be significantly delayed. Joining us now is Nurith Aizenman, NPR’s Global Health Correspondent. Nuris, let’s start in the UK What’s up with their booster campaign?

NURITH AIZENMAN, Byline: Yes. As such, authorities say there are all signs that this variant of Omicron is highly contagious. They say the number of new infections could double within two days. However, they seem to be wary of requesting a shutdown. Instead, in addition to encouraging people to wear masks and test, British authorities seem to really fix their hopes on this huge mobilization to get people a vaccine booster shot. At a press conference earlier this week, Prime Minister Boris Johnson effectively reflected Winston Churchill’s “We Fight on the Beach” speech from World War II, with a national jab a tone (ph). ) Was explained. Let’s listen.

(Sound bite of archived recording)

Prime Minister Boris Johnson: We are jabing in the hospital. We have surgery. We are jabing at pharmacies and pop-up centers. We are jabing in shopping centers, high streets and soccer stadiums where large events are planned. We’re throwing everything into it, and wherever you are, we’re there with a jab for you.

Eisenman: And you know, it has brought results. In the UK, about 90% of people over the age of 70 have boosters. And across the UK, almost half of all people over the age of 12 have boosters.

Cornish: What is known so far about how well booster shots actually protect against Omicron compared to the first two doses?

AIZENMAN: Evidence so far suggests that two vaccinations cannot reduce the risk of infection with Omicron as much as previous variants. Fortunately, if you get sick, these two vaccinations can give you a strong protection from a serious illness. However, there are still concerns that this level of protection can vary significantly among older people. Therefore, health authorities in both the UK and the US say boosting is a really good way to strengthen their protection.

Cornish: Should you expect to see public health mobilization around US boosters, as you’re explaining in the UK?

Eisenman: It’s unclear if that will happen. On the other hand, US health officials are definitely encouraging people to get boosters, but they haven’t heard the tone of urgency that British officials have heard. And, as you know, in reality, at this point, it’s going to be hard to boost everyone in the United States. This means that less than half of the elderly in the United States now have boosters. And for all eligible US adults, the share of boosters is less than one-fifth. The NPR spoke with Birhanage, an epidemiologist at Harvard TH Chan Public Health School, who said the United States missed the window here.

Invoice management: I will explain it in an easy-to-understand manner. Omicron spreads so rapidly that a significant portion of the recipient of the booster is infected before the booster is fully effective. This is a virus that moves very rapidly and should move at a similar pace.

Eisenmann: And, of course, in the United States, as opposed to the United Kingdom, there is still a significant proportion of people who have not been vaccinated twice, and Omicron can pose a particularly serious threat to them. So, in the light of all this, Hanage and other scientists I’ve heard are worried that US authorities haven’t been very cautious about the threat from Omicron.

Cornish: It’s Nurith Aizenman from NPR. Thank you for your report.

Eisenman: I’m glad you did that.

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