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US Coronavirus: It is not yet clear whether Omicron is a milder variant.But its rapid spread will overwhelm hospitals, experts say.

US Coronavirus: It is not yet clear whether Omicron is a milder variant.But its rapid spread will overwhelm hospitals, experts say.


CDC director Dr. Rochelle Warrensky said on Friday that the variant is expected to become the “dominant stock” in the coming weeks.

“Even if (Omicron) is less toxic than previous strains, but with more than 500,000 cases per day, even relatively low hospitalization rates can overwhelm the hospital.” Said. Jonathan Reiner, a medical analyst at CNN, is a professor of medicine and surgery at George Washington Medical College. “With such a denominator, our hospital is completely underwater, as it is in some parts of the country.”

Reiner also told CNN that the Biden administration should do more to get people tested for Covid-19 and improve access to the test. He also does more testing and allows you to catch infections: “That’s the way you keep your business open, and it keeps you open Broadway. And that’s how you keep your child in school. “”

Dr. Peter Hotez, a professor and dean of tropical medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, told CNN’s Jim Acosta on Saturday that “many healthcare workers will get sick,” with the new surge. He pointed out the possibility of a breakthrough. Infection.

“They won’t get seriously ill, but they’ll be knocked out of health care workers,” he said. “And it will present yet another major stressor to the system.”

New York has record daily highs for new Covid-19 cases

According to Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, it is still premature to think that Omicron causes mild illness.

“We still don’t really know-and there is some controversy about this-whether Omicron causes the same kind of severe illness or is it a slightly milder illness,” Collins said. Anderson Cooper on CNN..

Data from a two-week case in South Africa seemed to indicate that Omicron was less severe. The CDC surveyed 43 cases last week and said most of them had mild symptoms. Most were vaccinated and about one-third of all groups were boosted.

However, British epidemiologists said this week that they found no evidence that Omicron was causing a mild illness, but the Imperial College London team also said there wasn’t much data yet.

However, “it is clear that Omicron is a highly contagious variant that doubles every 2-4 days,” Collins said.

“Of course, the question is whether this is highly infectious-and we may see hundreds of thousands of cases daily, perhaps even one million cases a day from Omicron. -Even if it’s not a bit serious, you’re going to have a lot of people in the hospital, and our hospital is already really widespread on Delta Air Lines, especially in the northern part of the country, “Collins said. Told.

“But what we want is to have as many people as possible to limit our outcomes and to protect ourselves with vaccines, especially boosters,” he said.

The hospital is already feeling the impact

Overall, on Friday, the United States had an average of 121,707 new Covid-19 cases each day, according to data collected by Johns Hopkins University. Data show that 14 states saw an increase of at least 10% in the past week’s case compared to the previous week.

Approximately 68,900 Americans are hospitalized with Covid-19, according to data from. US Department of Health and Human Services. According to the data, more than 20% of all ICU beds in use are occupied by Covid-19 patients.
These are some of Broadway's performances canceled in Covid-19

California health officials said Friday that hospitalizations were on the rise, emphasizing the need for vaccinations and additional vaccines. In New York, officials said they were seeing the highest hospitalization rates recorded in a few months, and Governor Kathy Hokul noted that staff shortages weighed on potential new restrictions.

According to the Governor’s Office, New York has set a new record for the highest number of Covid-19 infections in a day since the pandemic broke out for two consecutive days, surpassing 21,900. Despite the high number of cases, state data showed relatively few hospitalizations on Saturday, with approximately 3,909 hospitalized for the virus.

In New Jersey, “People are sick, so there are long lines outside the test clinic and there is a need for testing for months,” said President and CEO of Newark University Hospital. Dr. Sherief Ernahar, CEO, said. , Told CNN’s Amara Walker.

Hospitalizations have doubled in the last two weeks, and 46% of patients admitted earlier this week were vaccinated but not boosted, he said.

Not only do people need to be vaccinated, they also need boosters, Elhahal said. “Because what we see is not sustainable.”

Dr. Rob Davidson, a doctor in the emergency room in Michigan, said he was seeing “a fairly significant delta surge now.” And although he sees a slight drop in test positive rates, Covid-19 patients have been hospitalized for extended periods of time.

“We are still struggling,” he said. “So if Omicron could postpone it for a few weeks and take a breath, we would certainly be grateful for it.”

Dr. Mark Gorelick, who heads the Minnesota Children’s Hospital, said the facility is already struggling to deal with numbers.

& # 39; We hurt: & # 39; Minnesota doctors urge people to get vaccinated in newspaper ads

“When faced with a surge that has already reached 90% and 95% capacity, the arrival of these extra … preventable Covid patients is putting the system at stake. Is our purpose. We are looking here in Minnesota. ”

It became so bad that the leaders of Minnesota hospitals took it away. All-page newspaper ad This week they say they were overwhelmed by the pandemic.
“I’m drinking from a fire hose and I feel like there’s no way to control the flow,” said Dr. John Hick, an emergency physician at Henepin Healthcare in Minnesota. I told reporters on Tuesday.. “I’ve been practicing in the emergency department for 25 years and all the shifts I’ve been working on lately seem to be the worst shifts in my career.”

In Oregon, authorities predict it will be tough in early 2022.

Dr. Peter Graven, Data Scientist at Oregon Health & Science University, said: “Combined with its high contagiousness, Omicron expects to significantly increase the number of Oregon people who are likely to become seriously ill and need a hospital.”

People are lining up for a Covid-19 test at a streetside booth in New York on December 17, 2021.

Restrictions and cancellations are prompt returns

Over 61% of the total population is fully vaccinated in the United States, and about 29% are boosted. Latest CDC data.. At the current pace, half of US adults will take more than two months to get a Covid-19 booster, according to CNN’s analysis.

Health officials have emphasized the importance of booster shots as anxiety about Omicron grows. With all three doses, people are “very well protected from serious illness,” said Reiner, a medical analyst at CNN.

“Most people have mild symptoms or even asymptomatic symptoms when they encounter a breakthrough infection,” he said. “It’s not perfect to prevent infection, it’s very good to prevent severe illness. It’s a takeaway message for everyone: boost.”

As the number of incidents increased, school officials and event organizers across the country, especially in the northeast, began to reinstate restrictions or cancel events altogether.

Harvard University announced on Saturday that it will move to some distance learning in response to the surge in COVID-19 cases locally and nationwide and the increasing presence of highly contagious Omicron variants. It became one of. “”

In a letter to the communityUniversity officials said students must be allowed by the school to return to campus for the first three weeks of January, and faculty and staff must be able to work remotely. According to the letter, the purpose was “to reduce the density of the campus by moving much of our learning and work remotely.”
Covid-19 is rampant across the United States, causing a surge in cases and hospitalizations, causing new confusion.

Prince Georges County Public Schools in Maryland began December 20 as “the number of cases of COVID-19 surged across (their) school systems,” according to a Friday statement from the school district’s chief executive officer. We will move to distance learning until January 18th. Monica Goldson.

The University of Maryland has canceled the winter graduation ceremony and said that all social gatherings on campus where masking cannot be strictly enforced should follow. The final exam will be conducted directly, but students and faculty members must wear KN95 rated masks provided by the university.

In New York, Radio City Music Hall Rockets Cancel Their “Christmas Spectacular” show. And “Saturday Night Live” Announced in a tweet It was canceling the live studio audience due to the taping of the show on Saturday.

Both Michigan State University and Hofstra University in New York said on Friday that students and staff need to have booster shots for the start of the spring semester.

In Hawaii, a ceremony scheduled to celebrate the end of the National Guard’s Covid-19 Joint Task Force was canceled, and the Governor’s Office said the Task Force would be rebuilt for Omicron.

CNN’s Maggie Fox, Jacqueline Howard, Deidre McPhillips, Amy Simonson, Leslie Holland, Evan Simko-Bednarski, Laura Studley, Taylor Romine, Kristina Sgueglia, Artemis Moshtaghian and Andy Rose contributed to this report.





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