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What Doctors Learned From Early Case Treatment of Childhood COVID Disease MIS-C – NBC New York


What you need to know

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed association between COVID-19 and rare, potentially fatal syndrome in children
  • The syndrome is currently reported in nearly half of all US states, including New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. New York City alone has 89 officially confirmed MIS-C cases as defined by the CDC.
  • Symptoms include fever, rash, abdominal pain, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, enlarged lymph nodes, and swelling of the limbs.

Doctor treating some of the earliest cases of COVID-related illness More than 200 tristate children They shared what they learned about the condition — including the speed with which an otherwise healthy patient is put into distress.

According to a pediatric emergency department at Mount Sinai Hospital, four previously healthy children were treated at the beginning of May, after which all four were transferred to the ICU of the department. Research published in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine last week. COVID-19 was all negative in the nasal swab test, but previous exposure to the disease was confirmed after each dose of coronavirus antibody.

What was observed in each child (1, 10, 12, 13 years old) was an abnormal autoimmune reaction to COVID-19. This is what Doctorus called the exaggerated cytokine storm. Studies have shown that all were treated with immunoglobulins as well as the immunosuppressive drugs commonly used to treat rheumatoid arthritis.

It’s a sequel.
Governor Cuomo will provide the latest information about the coronavirus in relation to children.
It’s a sequel.

“Even though the COVID-19 infection was very mild, healthy children became severely ill due to a rare exaggerated inflammatory response several weeks after COVID-19 infection,” said co-author, associate professor. Jennifer E. Sanders Dr. Icahn School of Medicine in Mount Sinai.

It is the study’s authors’ urge that emergency physicians should pay attention to the multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children with or without coronavirus symptoms. Patients start out with symptoms similar to Kawasaki disease and are more likely to have fever, rash, conjunctivitis, abdominal pain, and diarrhea, but then, according to Dr. Tomic Waltzf, the symptoms can rapidly worsen, similar to toxic shock syndrome. there is. Who co-authored the research. Some of the children recorded by the I team seemed to show only a few symptoms, but within a few, if not a few days, the condition dramatically deteriorated, went into a coma, and became artificial. It was placed in the respiratory system.

“Carefulness in assessing these symptoms is important for identifying these patients early in the clinical course,” she said. “ As we continue to learn more about this syndrome, it is important for parents to be aware of the signs and symptoms that a child should be aware of and to seek immediate treatment if there is concern, but so far the recent COVID- 19 Following an infection, it appears to be a rare event in children. “

Younger, symptomatic patients have lower laboratory test thresholds, and no matter how healthy they initially look, all must be treated carefully, Sanders said. As other cases in New York and New Jersey show, people who quickly get worse may require fluid resuscitation and intubation.

Less than two weeks after the CDC confirmed the association of the coronavirus with a potentially lethal syndrome in children, New York is investigating at least 179 cases of disease as of Thursday.

Cases span a wide range of ages, affecting infants and young adults, but most cases are children aged 1 to 14 years. Three children died in New York. 93% of symptomatic children tested positive for COVID-19 or its antibodies.

Children are generally less affected by COVID than adults. People under the age of 20 account for only 1 percent of all New York hospitalizations. However The advent of syndrome prompted the medical community to reconsider How to see COVID and children.

Cuomo said his administration is reassessing potential guidelines for summer camps-and, even further, at school in September-seeing in the light of new illnesses.

Cases of Childhood Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-C) have been identified in nearly half the states of the United States, just weeks after News 4 first focused on the disease emerging in New York. ..

New York City officials confirmed in News 4 that there are currently 89 official cases of MIS-C, based on the definition of the CDC syndrome and the 43 cases under investigation. (The city initially reported higher numbers using the old definition of conditions, but stated that it would restate the numbers to comply with the new CDC standard.)

New Jersey total is 26 MIS-C cases. The state didn’t report anything new on Thursday. Six children remain hospitalized. No deaths have been reported.

Other symptoms of the syndrome include irritability or dullness, vomiting, swollen lymph nodes on one side of the neck, red cracked lips or red tongue, and swollen limbs.

Mayor Bill De Brascio of New York City issued Comprehensive fact sheet Began a city-wide ad blitz for parents and to advise them of symptoms. Cuomo, meanwhile, instructed the hospital to prioritize COVID-19 testing.

The CDC has issued a recent health alert that provides diagnostic guidance to physicians. MIS-C diagnostic criteria include fever of 100.4 degrees or higher for at least 24 hours, evidence of inflammation in the body, and hospitalization with problems in at least two organs (heart, kidney, lung, etc.). In addition, CDC requires a positive test for COVID-19, antibodies, or known exposures within 4 weeks prior to the onset of symptoms.


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