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Coronavirus: Rehabilitation of “traumatic” COVID-19 Survivors After Infection Peaks | UK News


The NHS Seacoal Center in Headley Court, Surrey will be used as a temporary service for patients who have recovered from the coronavirus and no longer need treatment in an acute care hospital.

It is also used to treat people who are infected by the virus and cannot manage their symptoms at home.

Patients will be treated for tracheotomy wounds and to restore heart, lung, and muscle function to resolve mental health problems such as PTSD and anxiety.

Others may need speech and social care support for their basic everyday needs.

Sir Simon Stevens, CEO of the NHS, said: Coronavirus, We are now realizing the new need for rehabilitation and aftercare of COVID patients who have experienced this horrific disease. “

Doctors are aware that COVID-19 is not just a breathing condition. It can be a devastating multisystem disease. Survivors can suffer heart failure and stroke.

Long-term mental health effects should also be considered for possible PTSD, cognitive impairment, and resulting anxiety after prolonged spells on the intensive care unit ventilator.

The scale of rehabilitation for these coronavirus survivors is enormous.

Matt Hancock, Health Secretary, said: “For some people, this is a debilitating illness that can be lasting.

“The NHS Sea Call Center is just the beginning for the NHS to quickly strengthen community support and help affected people return to their families and homes.”

Grandfather Brian Harvey (69 years old) is one of many patients who need treatment after suffering serious coronavirus complications.
The NHS Seacoal Center is a small, important first step in helping patients like Harvey

Grandfather Brian Harvey (69) is one of many patients in need of treatment after suffering from serious coronavirus complications.

He was in a coma for four weeks after suffering from renal failure and a blood clot in the lung.

He is currently undergoing physiotherapy, speech therapy, and speech therapy during his stay at Royal Bristol Hospital.

“My wife called me on April 12th and said she might not be able to go overnight,” he said.

“[My family] It hurt my mind that it might be the end-but I got over it. “

Harvey believes that his rehabilitation will take about a year.

“The biggest trauma for me is a place that used to be very active before, but now I can’t reach for anything and I need someone to get me something,” he says. Said.

The NHS Sea Call Center is a small but important first step in helping patients like Harvey.

Grandfather Brian Harvey (69 years old) is one of many patients who need treatment after suffering serious coronavirus complications.
Harvey suffered serious complications from the virus

An obsolete military hospital in Surrey has been diverted to provide community health care, and NHS England says more community-focused rehabilitation centers will be opened.

However, some health professionals have told SkyNews that any delay in the rollout of state-owned programs will make the bad situation worse.

Julia Scott, CEO of the Royal College of Occupational Therapists, said:

“Occupational therapists are part of a family of allied health professionals, and more than ever, they are needed at the forefront of this rehab journey.

“We need to invest in providing services, so we have enough therapists to meet our needs.

“We don’t want people going to the waiting list and the service backing up.”

Dr. Alice Murray, a NHS surgeon, said that many patients require “long-term post-hospital care that is rarely, if at all, available in the NHS.”

“We need to do better,” she said. “There is a staggering example of a unit that does regional excellence as an integrated rehab team, but it needs to be replicated at the national level.”

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