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Rapid drugstore testing predicts infectivity.Serious breakthrough risk for cancer patients

Rapid drugstore testing predicts infectivity.Serious breakthrough risk for cancer patients
Rapid drugstore testing predicts infectivity.Serious breakthrough risk for cancer patients


Healthcare professionals will conduct a COVID-19 test on December 23, 2021 at a free public testing site in Farragut Square, Washington, USA. REUTERS / Evelyn Hockstein

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December 27 (Reuters)-The following is a summary of some recent studies on COVID-19. They require further research to support the findings and include studies that have not yet been certified by peer review.

Drugstore COVID-19 test predicts short-term infectivity

Rapid COVID-19 testing in drugstores is reportedly less sensitive than gold standard PCR testing, failing to detect virus particles and can lead to negative results in 15 minutes. Post the same particles may not pose a risk of infection in a very short period of time Thursday’s medRxiv Prior to peer review.

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Researchers first performed these antigen tests on swab samples from 181 individuals with PCR-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. Next, they took the virus out of a cotton swab and tried to propagate it in a test tube. When the viral load fell below the detection level of the antigen test, the virus particles often became unable to multiply.

Dr. James Kirby of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston said that people with low viral load and negative antigen tests could be infected “after a day or a few days.” “Therefore, for the most effective, the antigen test should be used just before the event or just before contact with a person at high risk of infection.” The swab comes with the instructions that came with the test kit. According to him, he added that it needs to be carefully collected for testing. “In other words, you want a really good sampling of the inside of your nose.”

Breakthrough COVID-19 is often severe in cancer patients

Researchers warn that people vaccinated against cancer should not underestimate the risk from breakthrough cases of COVID-19.

Of 54 cancer patients infected despite receiving two vaccinations from Moderna(MRNA.O) Or Pfizer(PFE.N)/ BioNTech(22UAy.DE) Or Johnson & Johnson single dose vaccine(JNJ.N) -Before booster doses are recommended-According to data from the International COVID-19 and Cancer Consortium, 65% needed to be hospitalized, 19% went to the intensive care unit and 13% died.

This study did not analyze the effectiveness of vaccines in infection prevention in the first place. However, among infected people, COVID-19 was as severe as the comparative group of 1,656 unvaccinated COVID-19 cancer patients, the researchers reported. Oncology Annual Report Friday.. The risk was greatest for patients with blood cancer.

Dr. Jeremy Warner of Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee said: “Additional doses and boost immunity are just as important as continuous masking, social distance, and encouraging all close contact of cancer patients to be vaccinated.”

Click Reuters graphics About the vaccine under development.

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Report by Nancy Rapid; Edited by Howard Goller

Our criteria: Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.





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