COVID-19 Ottawa: Epidemiologists say current quarantine guidelines are unsustainable
Epidemiologists in Ottawa are struggling to keep up with the demand for COVID-19 testing in public health and are calling for a change in policy regarding quarantine and testing requirements.
The proliferation of Omicron variants is also endangering businesses over concerns about proliferation and access to testing.
“We decided to close this door because of serious concerns not only with our customers, but also with our staff and family,” said Nick Milito, owner of Bella’s Boys Italian Kitchen.
The restaurant has decided to close the door to the indoor dining room and currently only offers curbside pickups.
Milito says the increase in COVID-19 cases raises concerns about community expansion and lack of access to tests for staff and families.
“I know that 2, 3 and 4 will be hit by this variant and will have serious implications,” he said.
On Monday, Château Lafayette also announced on social media that it will be closed indefinitely due to a shortage of staff.
“Finally happened. We ran out of staff.” According to a post to the Instagram account of a popular pub.. “I don’t know when it will resume, but I’ll let you know. Keep a healthy and safe place.”
Dr. Raywat Deonandan, an epidemiologist in Ottawa, states that current state guidelines that require 10 days of quarantine are not sustainable.
“The exposure is so common that you can’t stay home if you’re asymptomatic,” Deonandan said.
When Canada hits 2 million confirmed COVID-19 cases As the pandemic begins and Omicron rampages, Deonandan says it’s time to reassess his testing and quarantine policy.
“I’m not saying I’m going to open the door wide, I’m not saying I’m paying attention to the wind, I’m not saying I’m leaving everything open,” he said. “I say I’m reassessing the quarantine protocol to keep society moving. So many people will have to be quarantined, we have to rethink this. It’s probably unbearable. “
He suggests increasing the use of rapid testing or shortening the quarantine period for asymptomatic high-risk contacts.
His comments are coming as US health authorities Quarantine and quarantine timeline reduced from 10 days to 5 days.. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Monday that Americans with no symptoms of COVID-19 after 5 days of quarantine should be able to leave the house as long as they wear masks around others. ..
According to the CDC, this guidance is being given with increasing evidence that people infected with the virus are most infectious two days and three days after the onset of symptoms.
Other physicians, including infectious disease specialist Dr. Sumon Chakrabarti, also called for a shortened quarantine guideline in Canada on Monday.
“This needs to be done here for an important workplace,” Chakra Balti said. Said on twitter.. “The current quarantine period is too long to be supported by evidence (not to mention very unrealistic).”
Ottawa warns that public health has restricted access to PCR tests.
This week, three pop-up test sites will distribute rapid tests.
Walter Baker Recreation Center, 100 Malvern Drive – 7am
St. Laurent Boulevard’s St. Laurent Shopping Center – 10am
Walter Baker Recreation Center, 100 Malvern Drive – 7am
“Vaccination has changed the conversation a lot,” said Deonandan. “Because of the high rate of vaccination, assault on the health system is not as bad as it used to be.”
In Ottawa, nearly 100,000 vaccines were given topically last week. This makes at least one dose 85% and counts. Over 243,000 residents have boosters.
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