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COVID-19 Kingston: A long line for rapid examination with increasing cases


In Kingston, Ontario, the region remains one of the hardest hit areas in the country under Omicron, so demand for rapid testing and vaccines is skyrocketing.

On Wednesday, health authorities distributed 1,000 COVID-19 rapid antigen tests. This is the latest in a series by state in the Holiday Test Blitzkrieg.

Health authorities at Kingston, Frontenac, and Lennox and Addington (KFL & A) have held a vaccination clinic under the hall with a two-sided approach to tackling high COVID-19 numbers.

Before the door opened, the rows wrapped around the building and residents wanted to take the exam.

James Compo said he was happy to have his test at hand.

“I’m all ready,” he said.

When the door opened, the test successfully popped out of the distributor’s arm.

Compo says he plans to use 5 packs in the next few days to get together with his family in the New Year.

“Tonight, I’ll go to Skype with my son and test it,” he says. “And we will know the good news.”

Omicron variants have hit the area hard. According to local public health data, KFL & A remains one of the best spots for COVID-19 in the country.

During the holidays, there were 6 COVID-related deaths.

In a statement to CTV News Ottawa, KFL & A Public Health’s Suzette Taggart said the majority were delta-related.

“In the last few days, six people have died as a result of COVID-19 in the KFL & A area. Sadly, most of these individuals have been affected by the delta mutation and have been hospitalized in the ICU for some time. “.

“Continue to adhere to public health measures, such as monitoring and testing for COVID-19 symptoms, staying at home if you feel sick. If you qualify, yourself, your family, and ours. Take a third dose to protect the community. “

Public health has not officially confirmed which other variants may be associated with death, such as if or how many cases were directly associated with Omicron.

On Wednesday, there were 1,786 active confirmed active cases in the region, of which 239 were new, 16 were hospitalized and 6 were in the ICU. Despite Kingston’s small population, it has more hospitalizations than Ottawa.

Compo says the high number of cases in the area is why he lined up before the door opened.

“The test is negative. It’s okay, let’s get everyone to come and be safe,” he says.

Despite the large number of cases, this is one of the few rapid pop-up testing clinics in the region. As a result, I am dissatisfied with the state’s approach.

Susan Young, who is waiting in line, says more tests need to be readily available in the region.

“We are all working hard to be as safe as possible. This is another possibility to help us. We wear masks, keep a distance of 6 feet and this pandemic We will work together so that it doesn’t get worse. And testing is a way to support us.

“We need an additional opportunity to test ourselves to make sure we are safe.”

Peter Burrell, who was also waiting in line, agreed.

“I think this is a tragedy we’re lined up for a year of actual availability testing,” he said.

In the corridor, public health has also set up a walk-in vaccination clinic in another effort to reduce numbers.

Sara Andre took this opportunity. She said she was happy with the opportunity to not have to wait another day.

“I was worried about returning to school in January, so I wanted to get a booster, get ready, and know that I was playing my part,” she told CTV News Ottawa.

With so many people taking the test, the line worked well all day and there were plenty for those who wanted them, and residents like Richard Waddington were relieved.

“Wow. Really, really great. I’ve been waiting for a long time, but it was worth it,” he said.





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