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Utah reports the highest number of new COVID-19 cases, with the highest average of 7 days since January.

Utah reports the highest number of new COVID-19 cases, with the highest average of 7 days since January.



The Department of Health on Thursday also confirmed seven more COVID-19 deaths.

(Leah Hogsten | Salt Lake Tribune) Health workers at the Utah Health Department publicly talk about COVID-19 at a test site in the parking lot of the Utah Public Health Institute building in Taylorsville on December 30, 2021. Test the citizens.

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The Utah Department of Health reported numerous new cases of coronavirus that had not been seen in the state for nearly a year for the second consecutive day.

The aggregate reported on Thursday was 3,563, 260 more new cases than reported in the state on Wednesday, the most reported since January 7.


The 7-day rolling average for new coronavirus cases is also currently 1,898, the highest average reported since January 19.

As the number of cases surged in Utah this week as Omicron variants prevailed, Utah’s leading doctors urged people on Thursday to: Keep New Year’s Eve celebrations small This year.

“This is not the best time to get together in a large group for New Year’s Eve,” advised Dr. Eddie Stenehjem, an infectious disease physician at Intermountain Healthcare.

The Department of Health on Thursday also confirmed the deaths of seven COVID-19s. The same amount was reported on Wednesday. In a news release, UDOH said one of the seven deaths reported Wednesday was removed from the list after further testing. The state’s modified death toll since the outbreak of the pandemic is now 3,787.

In the remaining two days of this year, 2,504 people have died of COVID-19 in Utah in 2021 so far (Ministry of Health does not update COVID-19 numbers on holidays and weekends. The next report will be on Monday. increase).

The number of children vaccinated continues to grow. 95,130 children aged 5 to 11 years have been vaccinated at least once since they were qualified. According to the Ministry of Health, this is 26.1% of older children in Utah. And 62,510 of those children are fully vaccinated — 17.1% of that age group.

Intensive care units in the state remain close to capacity. UDOH reported Thursday that 94% of all ICU beds in Utah and 96.4% of ICU beds in larger medical centers throughout the state are occupied. (Hospitals consider numbers above 85% to be functionally full.) Of all ICU patients, 35.7% are treated for COVID-19.

Vaccine dose / total dose given in the last day • 14,378 / 4,526,915..

Number of fully vaccinated Utahns • 1,899,752 — 58.1% of Utah’s total population. This is an increase of 2,739 over the past day.

Vaccination status • Health authorities do not immediately monitor or release vaccination status for individuals who test positive, are hospitalized, or die. They calculate the overall risk ratio for these results, depending on the vaccination status. This can be confirmed below.

Cases reported in the last day • 3,563.

Cases of school-aged children • Of the new cases announced on Wednesday, K-12 grade children accounted for 360, accounting for 10.1% of the total. 127 cases were reported in children aged 5 to 10 years. 87 cases of children aged 11 to 13 years. There are 146 children aged 14 to 18 years.

Tests reported in the last day • 15,419 people were tested for the first time. A total of 28,777 people were tested.

Deaths reported in the last day • Seven.

Two deaths were reported in Salt Lake County, a man and a woman aged 45-64 years.

The other five counties each reported one death — males in Iron County 65-84; females in Sanpete County 25-44; males in Utah County 65-84; males in Washington County 65-84; and Weber. County Women 65-84.

Hospitalization reported in the last day • 436. This is six less than what was reported on Wednesday. Of the patients currently hospitalized, 175 are in the intensive care unit. Three less than the number reported on Wednesday.

Percentage of positive tests • In a state-specific way, the rate for the past day is 23.1%. This is higher than the 7-day average of 12.4%.

The new state method counts all test results, including repeated tests for the same individual. Interest rates on Thursday were 12.4%, above the seven-day average of 8.4%.

[Read more: Utah is changing how it measures the rate of positive COVID-19 tests. Here’s what that means.]

Risk ratio • In the last four weeks, unvaccinated Utah was 18.1 times more likely to die of COVID-19 than vaccinated people, according to an analysis by the Utah Department of Health. Unvaccinated people were 9.6 times more likely to be hospitalized and 3.3 times more likely to test positive for coronavirus.

Total up to now • 636,992 cases. 3,787 Deaths (number; 27,512 hospitalizations; 4,245,929 tested.





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