28% of 40,184 Indian Covid-19 cases asymptomatic by April 30: Study
At least 28% of the 40,184 people who tested positive for Covid-19 in India between January 22 and April 30 were asymptomatic, with the new coronavirus being detected by those with mild or no symptoms. Research has been shown in fear of spread.
Studies by scientists and other collaborators at the Indian Medical Research Council (ICMR) found that the majority of those tested and those found positive were asymptomatic contacts.
According to a study published in the Indian Journal of Medical Research (IJMR) on Friday night, healthcare workers accounted for approximately 5.2% of all infected people.
The study was conducted when the apex health research agency ICMR was conducting a serologic survey to estimate the prevalence of community-acquired infections in the Indian population.
Covid-19 is randomly tested to see if people in 70 districts have developed asymptomatic antibodies despite being asymptomatic.
Of the 28.1% of asymptomatic patients, 25.3% were in direct contact with positive cases and were at high risk, according to a study published in IJMR, and 2.8% were confirmed without adequate protection. He was a medical worker in contact.
“But the proportion of asymptomatic infected people can far exceed 28.1 percent, which is a cause of concern for us,” said ICMR National Institute for Epidemiology and one of the authors of the study. Manoj Murhekar says. The above.
Survey results show the highest percentage of confirmed cases among asymptomatic contacts, 2 more than patients with severe acute respiratory infection (SARI), international travel history, or healthcare workers It’s twice as expensive, says Murhekar.
Between January 22 and April 30, a total of 10,21,518 people were tested for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2).
The test increased from about 250 people per day at the beginning of March to 50,000 by the end of April. Overall, 40,184 (3.9%) were new coronavirus positive.
In this study, laboratory surveillance data were analyzed, and test results and descriptive epidemiology of Covid-19 cases were described by time, place, and person.
The age-specific attack rate (per 1 million) was highest in the age groups of 50 to 69 (63.3) and lowest in those under 10 (6.1).
Males had a higher attack rate, of which 41.6 were positive, but 24.3 females were infected.
Coronavirus cases were reported from 523 (71.1%) of 736 districts in the country.
The states with the highest percentage of districts reporting positive cases included Delhi, Maharashtra, Kerala, Punjab, Haryana, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Gujarat.
The highest test-positive states / UTs are Maharashtra (10.6 pc), Delhi (7.8 pc), Gujarat (6.3 pc), Madhya Pradesh (6.1 pc), West Bengal (5.8 pc).
Of the 12,810 cases reported at the time of sample collection, cough and fever were the most commonly reported symptoms, but about one-third reported throat pain and shortness of breath.
Gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea were reported in less than 5% of cases, the study said.
The study emphasizes that the implementation of ICMR’s laboratory-based surveillance for coronaviruses made the tests available and accessible, contributing to improved case detection across the country.
The network of Covid-19 laboratories and test capabilities continues to grow.
“The cumulative number of cases continues to increase, but the rate of increase in reported cases is slowing,” he said.
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