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Covid-19 Vaccine Booster Dose: What You Need to Know

Covid-19 Vaccine Booster Dose: What You Need to Know
Covid-19 Vaccine Booster Dose: What You Need to Know


explainer -From early January, New Zealanders who have been vaccinated twice with the Covid-19 vaccine for at least 4 months will be eligible for a booster vaccination.

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Photo: RNZ / Angus Deliver, Nick Monroe / AFP

The timing of the rollout Previously caused confusion When people should go and how it all works.

There are also differences between booster doses and tertiary primary doses.

RNZ is here to get rid of it all.

What is the booster effect?

The Pfizer vaccine is used in New Zealand for boosters, regardless of which vaccine was used at previous doses.

Boosters differ from the third initial dose recommended for people with immunodeficiency.

Persons eligible for the third single dose can receive booster immunization 6 months after receiving the third single dose.

When will I get the booster?

In early December, the government Shorten the gap required between the second dose and booster immunization, 6 to 4 months.

For those who don’t mind going to the walk-in vaccination center, they can get your booster dose from January 5th.Find a place in click here..

Those who wish to make a reservation will be able to use the reservation slot from January 17th. Book my vaccine online.

Short-interval deployments will officially begin in early January 2022, but those who took a second shot for six months were encouraged to get a booster effect immediately.

Others who want to get in early before January 5th It is advisable to check with your local vaccination provider To make reservations and supplies available to them.

The Ministry of Health states that there are many booster doses available and no one will miss them.

Other options for booking

If you cannot book online, you can call Covid-19 Vaccination Healthline at 0800 28 29 26 (8 am-8pm, 7 days a week).

Interpretation services, text, email, and NZ relay options for the hearing and hearing impaired are available via the 0800 number when needed.

There is also a dedicated team for people with disabilities (0800 number option 2).

If your doctor offers the Covid-19 vaccine, you can also book with your doctor.

Who is eligible for the Covid-19 Vaccine Booster?

Healthcare workers and border workers were a priority for additional doses, as many people in these industries received primary doses at least 6 months ago.

Upon arrival at the booster, the booking system will check the last dosing date to ensure that the required interval has passed.

People over the age of 12 have been able to take major Covid-19 vaccine courses throughout 2021, but booster doses will now only be available to people over the age of 18.

(For most people, the primary course is two doses, but for some, the primary course may be three doses.)

If you take a complete “primary course” during pregnancy, the Ministry of Health recommends that you wait after your baby is born until you take the booster.

Those who took the full “primary course” before becoming pregnant only have to wait six months before taking the booster, the ministry said.

Pfizer boosters are available overseas, even if you have been vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine, at the required intervals since your last dose.

Potential side effects of boosters

According to the Ministry of Health, boosters similar to the second dose of Pfizer vaccine can cause some side effects.

These include muscle aches, injection site pain, headaches, nausea, tiredness and malaise. For most people, these tend to be mild effects and do not last long.

Some side effects, such as severe allergic reactions and heart inflammation (myocarditis), are more serious but very rare.

Ann Online report form Post-immunization adverse events with the Covid-19 vaccine are currently available.

If you have difficulty breathing, heartbeat, chest pain, or fainting immediately after vaccination or in the days following vaccination, you should see a doctor.

If you are unsure of your symptoms or if your symptoms worsen, call Healthline: 0800 3585453.

Vaccine Obligations and Vaccine Paths for Boosters

You do not need to have a booster to be certified as “Completely Vaccinated” by My Vaccine Pass or International Travel Vaccination Certificate.

If you get a booster dose, it will be added to My Covid Record and you can create another path.

In early December, the government announced that the Cabinet had agreed in principle that the mission would be extended to booster doses if workers needed to be vaccinated.

Borders and health care workers must be boosted by the end of January or within 6 months of the second vaccination of recently vaccinated individuals.

Then, from March 1st, it will be extended to everyone else who is subject to vaccination obligations. These changes will be confirmed in January 2022.

How effective are boosters against Covid-19?

According to the Ministry of Health, Pfizer data show that the booster effect is 95.6% more effective against coronaviruses, including delta virus, than those who did not receive the booster effect.

At this stage, no data are available on the duration of protection against infection and disease after booster immunization.

The ministry said current evidence indicates that six months after the full vaccination course, protection against Covid-19 is reduced and “replacement” vaccines help boost immunity to the virus. ..

“We already know that booster vaccination can significantly boost an individual’s immunity and reduce the spread and severity of Covid-19.

“Data are currently emerging that Pfizer booster doses provide better protection than the two doses for Omicron variants.”

The UK Health and Security Agency (UKHSA) has analyzed more than 600,000 confirmed and suspicious cases of Omicron variants in the UK by December 29, with additional vaccines. 88% effective in preventing people from being hospitalized with Covid-19..

New data confirm that double doses of the AstraZeneca, Pfizer, or Moderna vaccine provide little protection against infection with Omicron.

Why is the time from the second dose to booster immunization reduced?

Covid-19’s response minister, Chris Hipkins, said that all cases occurring at the New Zealand border are immediately expected to be highly infectious variants of Omicron.

The government hopes that widespread administration of the Covid-19 vaccine booster will help prevent the potential large-scale outbreak of mutants and reduce the risk of infection.

Health Director Dr. Ashley Bloomfield said he would speed up the deployment of boosters. It was an important part of the country’s response to Omicron..

“Short intervals mean that more than 82 percent of New Zealanders vaccinated will be eligible for booster immunization by the end of February 2022.”





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