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Minnesota COVID: Since the start of the pandemic, the state is currently experiencing ICU hospitalizations in excess of 10K – WCCO

Minnesota COVID: Since the start of the pandemic, the state is currently experiencing ICU hospitalizations in excess of 10K – WCCO


Minneapolis (WCCO ​​/ AP) — As the FDA has Announced approval of COVID-19 booster dose for children up to 12 yearsMinnesota reported 6,780 new cases and 48 deaths on Wednesday.

Latest numbers The Minnesota Department of Health reports a total of 1,028,986 cases, including 14,701 reinfections. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 10,564 Minnesota have died from the virus.

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“Today’s newly reported cases include cases that were delayed due to reporting errors from external labs,” the Department of Health reported, with cases with Monday data up to last Thursday. Yes, not covered. All cases on long holiday weekends.

The state’s moving average positive rate has shown signs of rising again at 8.9% after falling to 8.2% last week. And new daily cases per 100,000 inhabitants stand at 63.4.

According to the latest figures, COVID-19 has exceeded 10,000 ICU hospitalizations since the pandemic began.

As of Monday, there were approximately 32 adult intensive care unit beds available throughout the state, with COVID-19 patients occupying 283 ICU beds and 1,030 non-ICU beds. Only pediatric ICU beds with 13 staff are available.

The state has received a total of 8,711,845 vaccinations, including a booster immunization of 1.71 million people. Of the state’s population over the age of 5, 72% have received at least one shot.

Governor Tim Walz said the best way to keep schools open is for people to be vaccinated, boosted, tested and to wear masks in public places.

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“We are not helpless with this,” he said. “I have the tools I need to delay this.”

Waltz returned to work after he, his wife, and his 15-year-old son were positive and developed mild to moderate symptoms in late December. But they were isolated, so their college daughters couldn’t spend Christmas with them, he said, instead with relatives. Since then, he said they are all negative.

In an interview with WCCO Radio, the governor said efforts to strengthen Minnesota’s tests would be complicated by President Joe Biden’s announcement that the federal government would provide 500 million free home-use high-speed test kits shortly before Christmas. Stated. He said it was a good move, but it was affecting Minnesota’s existing supply chain. He said Minnesota is still in better shape than the rest of the world, but he acknowledged the tight availability of the test and patiently thanked the people.

“Don’t give up on this,” Waltz told WCCO. “Testing, along with boosters, is the real key to stopping spread.”

CBS News reports that millions of 12-year-old Americans will soon be able to receive a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine after the Food and Drug Administration has announced that it has approved a third dose of Pfizer. I am.

The FDA also said it would allow children up to the age of five with weakened immunity to receive additional injections. The agency has also reduced the time between the second dose of Pfizer vaccine and being eligible for booster immunization to 5 months instead of 6 months for all age groups.

(© Copyright 2022 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Associated Press contributed to this report.)

Other news: After spending two weeks in a hospital with COVID pneumonia, activist Mel Reeves recommends vaccination to others





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