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Mother’s death due to COVID-19 fuels Aurora women’s mission | State and region


Since the deployment of the COVID-19 vaccine began in December 2020, residents of the East Side of Aurora have been on a mission to connect members of the community with the vaccine and help answer questions.

After her mother died of COVID-19 last winter, her motivation to promote vaccination was only increased.

However, Carina Suarez-Darden complains that the city’s 60505 zip code, which covers the eastern side of the Aurora between the Chicago Premium Outlets Mall and Phillips Park Zoo, remains the lowest vaccinated zip code in Kane County. I’m holding you.

According to state data, about 42.7% of the 60505 zip code, one of the largest Hispanic populations in the county, has been fully vaccinated as of Thursday.

Suarez-Darden, who has worked as a community health liaison for VNA Healthcare for the past three years, said her mission is to connect with the community about vaccines. If there is a city podcast, she wants to participate. When asked about community gatherings, she asks the organizers if they can spread the word about the importance of COVID-19 vaccination.

She also founded the United Neighbors Group in 2016, is part of the Aurora Hispanic Heritage Advisory Board, is Vice President of the Bilingual Parent Advisory Board of East Aurora School District 131, and is effectively meeting at Zoom. He leads his own Neighborhood Group.

“Almost 70-80% of the time I’m awake is spent doing something in the community,” she said.

However, she is still struggling to educate the population about vaccines.

“I try not to take it personally and tell them to check their sources. Sometimes I convince them, but at other times they just start thinking about it. “She said.

She wants the first spark to lead them to ask magical questions later: “Do you make a promise for me?” And if the resident asks, She says she will drop everything to make an appointment soon.

She did because one of her friends said he wouldn’t go unless she accompanied him.

“He was so nervous that he didn’t sleep the night before and told me he was shivering,” she said. “I don’t think people who are very difficult and unvaccinated want it, but a lot is happening in the background. I don’t want to be intubated by anyone, so I need to help them. I do anything. I’m losing my life in the hospital. “

Suarez Darden said she is 57 years old after her mother died of COVID-19 on December 12, 2020, and continues to contact residents because she does not want to experience the same pain as her family.

“I don’t give up because I know my mom is talking through me,” she said. “Some people have listened to me, but it’s still a challenge, but it just tells them that it can be avoided. It’s been very emotional for the last few days, but it’s part of me. This is a fake. The role of letting people know that it’s not. It’s real. “

Michael Isaacson, assistant director of community health at the Kane County Health Department, said earlier that the department worked with churches and neighbors to talk directly with residents in areas with low vaccinations. He said that some residents are more resistant than others, especially in the Hispanic and black communities. Aurora officials said they worked with healthcare providers such as VNAs to host a pop-up mobile clinic to deliver the COVID-19 vaccine to specific areas.

According to Suarez Darden, disinformation campaigns on social media have greatly contributed to community resistance. She said rumors shared by friends and colleagues were easy to spread and people often didn’t check their sources.

In addition, VNA’s vice president of communications, Chrissie Howorth, said that many of the 60505 zip codes have competing priorities, such as food and housing insecurity, while doing multiple jobs. I did.

“They often compete for time and attention, and after working long hours, sometimes in non-sociable times, it’s hard to take on another thing,” Howarth said.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, 66 vaccine events have been held by the VNA at 60505 zip code, and about 45 people have been vaccinated there through home visits, Howarth said.

Today, mobile clinics alternate outside Aurora’s Ashland Avenue Super Mercado Rachikita and Farnsworth Avenue’s Super Mercado El Gero. Information about the days when the clinic is open can be found on the VNA Healthcare Facebook and Twitter pages.

Suarez Darden said she can’t tell people how to react to shots, but she shares her side effects and research. She also believes that her bold personality helps build trust.

When a resident requested a vaccine, she said she would follow through, remind people about their upcoming appointments and ask how they felt.

“I take care of them as if they were crystal figurines,” said Suarez-Darden. “I hug them and don’t let go and check in to make sure they got a second shot. If people say they’re too busy working on another shift or caring for their kids , I remind them that they need to stay healthy, otherwise their kids can’t eat because they can’t work. They start thinking so, And making that switch is just very rewarding. “





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