Forget “dry January” — we drink, and we are still healthy
Cheers to stay healthy and enjoy those bites!
Many people I swear to have an alcohol-free dry January After a vacation, while others are setting up a New Year’s health-conscious resolution. But as new research showsIt is possible to reach your fitness goals without refraining from alcohol. In fact, there may be a link between swelling and regular ridicule.
Papers published in the journal Medicine and science in sports and exerciseIt turns out that men and women who are in good physical condition also take virtues with a little vice. Surprisingly, they are about twice as likely to drink at moderate to heavy levels as those who are unfit.
Josh Phillips, a 33-year-old software engineer based in Brooklyn, runs 12 to 20 miles a week and knocks back 10 to 20 alcoholic beverages at the same time.
He said there was no relationship between the two actions while enjoying both. “They are definitely separate,” Phillips told Post. “One does not connect to the other, and vice versa.”
Former cyclist Philips has completed four half marathons since he started running in 2014. One day I would like to try a 26.2 mile full marathon. However, during his off-hours, such as having a supper at home, happy hour at work, or heading to a bar or restaurant for fun, he drinks about three to five nights a week. He admits that going out at night can affect training the next day, but not so much.
“Sometimes, if I’m special sociable, I … move the time I exercise.” If he needs some extra space in the morning for rest and hydration.
He said it was worthwhile to have “both work and play”, adding that doing both “leads to an overall more fulfilling life.”
Can you really make tips and tones?
Studies support this.
“Fit and Tips?” The study, led by a Texas researcher, examined data from 38,653 healthy patients aged 20-86 years who drink at least once a week.All participants signed up for the preventive test at Cooper Clinic In a longitudinal study of Dallas and its Cooper Center. They stopped by for an annual health check. This included a treadmill test to determine the level of fitness, as well as a questionnaire to assess exercise and alcohol intake.
Those who drank less than three drinks a week were considered light drinkers. Women who drank up to 7 drinks a week and men who knocked back up to 14 drinks were labeled as moderate drinkers. More than that puts participants in the heavy drinking category.
Researchers concluded that adults who had moderate and high levels of fitness also drank more. Moderate and very healthy women were 1.6 and 2.1 times more likely to drink moderate amounts or large amounts of alcohol, respectively, than unfit gals. Men in the moderate and high fitness groups were 1.4 and 1.6 times more likely to drink at moderate or heavy levels than men who were not feeling well.
As for the reason — well, even researchers are confused.
“There is no data on why this is happening,” 48-year-old Kerem Cheval, director of epidemiology at the Cooper Institute, who led the study, told Post. “This study assumes that there may be something called a” license effect. ” [for example] Set a goal to run 10K or bike a century. After doing something good, you can reward yourself with fun. [and] Probably not so good for their health. “
In this case, Shuval said: [health-care] Providers need to start thinking about it. “
“I want to feel great”
Still, not all fitness enthusiasts have been bombed.
35-year-old Jamie Bailey — a nutritionist, cycling instructor, and co-owner of the San Diego Grindhouse Cycle, which is affiliated with Brooklyn’s Grindhouse Gym — drinks alcohol after she begins to work harder on her body. I was urged to give up.
“I started to reassess, how does alcohol affect my life? [and] How do you want to feel? Bailey said. “My answer was that I wanted to feel better. I want to feel great.”
For her, it means Teetotalism because of the negative physiological effects of alcohol.
“The best version of alcohol causes inflammation: joints, cells-it all feels it,” she said. “At the cellular level, it draws water from you. [Drinking is] When I wake up the next day, I’m just going to make it feel like junk … I don’t want to feel that way. “
But she understands that many of her clients still want to drink. In that case, Bailey recommends keeping the option with the least amount of sugar (such as vodka soda with lime) to less than twice a week and hydrating at night and the next morning.
It’s about putting a border around your alcohol [use]”I’m paying attention to the choices you make,” she says.
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