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Here’s what the latest science is saying about variants as Omicron soars


Omicron variants of the coronavirus are proliferating in many parts of the world, including the United States. Some school districts delay returning to the classroom after vacation to give teachers, managers, and students time to recover and take tests. Health officials and experts are reassured that additional data on the Omicron variant continue to support the idea that it is less severe than Delta, but it is still highly contagious and into the new variant. It has the potential to continue to evolve and develop.

Updated guidelines from the CDC

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The (CDC) has reduced the quarantine period after most people have tested positive from 10 to 5 days, but individuals will need to wear masks in all public places for the next 5 days. I have. People who have not been vaccinated or who have been vaccinated for more than 6 months are advised to follow the same guidelines. People who have recently been vaccinated or have boosted immunization do not need to be quarantined if they have no symptoms, but they should wear a mask for the next 10 days.

Omicron may be about 36 percent more contagious than Delta

With new research South African researchers, uploaded as a preprint and not yet peer-reviewed, found that the Omicron variant is 100.3% more contagious than the original version of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and 36.5% more contagious than the Delta variant. Estimated to be high. This is in contrast to previous estimates that Omicron was 2-5 times more contagious than Delta. The team also estimated that Omicron eroded nearly 64 percent of the community’s immunity from previous infections and vaccinations in Gauteng, South Africa.

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Omicron exposure may help protect against delta

Studies show that people who have recovered from the Omicron variant of coronavirus may be better able to dodge the still fast-circulating delta variant. The CDC estimation The delta accounted for 41% of cases during the week leading up to December 25. The lab experiments were carried out by South African scientists who first detected Omicron. Experts hope that this surge in Omicron could mean that hospitalizations and deaths could be reduced in the future compared to what was happening in Delta.

“Omicron is likely to push the delta out,” said Alex Seagull, a virologist at the African Institute of Health in Durban, South Africa. New York Times.. “Pushing out the delta may actually be a good thing. We are looking for something that is less confusing and easier to live in than previous variations.”

People with Omicron who are less likely to be hospitalized

New data from the UK It suggests that people infected with the Omicron variant are less likely to be hospitalized than those infected with the Delta variant. Health officials examined data from 198,348 confirmed Omicron cases and compared them to Delta’s cases to better understand the situation in the United Kingdom. The data suggest that the vaccine is 72% effective against hospitalization with the Omicron variant from 2 to 24 weeks after the second dose. Although the efficacy of this vaccine is lower than that of the delta type, the data suggest that the vaccine still prevents symptomatic illness and hospitalization to a certain point in time.

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