The idea of ”Pandemic Killer Omicron” ignores the danger of long COVID
Infection prophylaxis and other healthcare professionals at the forefront of fighting the COVID-19 surge need to be aware of “mild” symptoms that can plague them in the long run.
Ironically, the Omicron variant of COVID-19, ironically, End the pandemic– Mild symptoms and high infectivity may lead to herd immunity — the question is: What about long COVIDs? This is especially relevant for Infectious Disease Prevention Doctors (IPs) and other healthcare professionals at the forefront of another surge.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Long COVID “This is a series of symptoms that can last weeks or months after the first infection with the virus that causes COVID-19, or appear weeks after the infection. If the illness is mild or the symptoms are Even if not, anyone who has been infected with COVID-19 can develop a long COVID. “
A Preprint survey The Oxford University researchers’ medRxiv website compares brain scans of SARS-CoV-2 infections in 394 COVID-19 patients tested positive for infection in 388 patients in the control group. increase. “We identified a significant effect of COVID-19 in the brain with loss of gray matter in the parahippocampal gyrus, left orbitofrontal cortex, and left island,” the study states. “Overlooking the entire cortical surface, these results extended to the anterior cingulate cortex, supramarginal gyrus, and temporal pole.”
Kevin Kavanagh, as MD pointed out, Infection control today®The editorial advisory board of COVID says that the central difficulty of social attempts to lead COVID-19 from a pandemic to endemic is that COVID is not just a respiratory virus.Cabana I have written In October, SARS-CoV-2 resembles HIV because it can “spread quietly throughout the host’s body and attack almost any organ.”
IP and other healthcare professionals are not affected by long COVIDs, but are not always believed when complaining of symptoms. report In Atlantic ocean In November. The author writes, “We interviewed more than 12 … medical professionals from the United States and the United Kingdom who have long-standing COVIDs.” Most people told me that they were shocked by the speed at which their colleagues fired them. “
Through a pandemic, COVID-19 will develop into seasonal annoyances such as the common cold and flu, said Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease expert and professor at the University of California, San Francisco. ..she said ICT® and Q & A In September, “If you look at the history of infectious diseases … there is no infectious disease that we could not overcome if we did not infect the immune system or if we were vaccinated properly. Vaccine hesitation and vaccination In the face of underdose, developing a vaccine that is effective against infectious diseases will get you there because immunity is the only way to overcome the pandemic. “
About recent Gandhi, Omicron Said Bloomberg said: The virus will always be with us, but my hope is that this variant will cause so many immunities and calm the pandemic. “
Meanwhile, as many experts predict, some medical professionals warn that after the current Omicron surge has subsided, they should prepare for the onslaught of long COVID cases in February. ..
Bruce Patterson, MD, MD, who works at the Chronic COVID Treatment Center, says it’s too early to determine if Omicron can cause long COVID, but in that respect it follows the same route as Delta. believe.he To tell the Dezalet News In Utah, “That is, given what we heard and saw, and that Omicron infects everyone in the sun, we will see the same thing with many children and adults. . “
Kavanagh said: Young and healthy people especially embraced this story. “
Kavanagh warns, “This is a false explanation because the assumption that mild infections do not have a significant risk is false.” In part, this belief is driven by the fact that people who have not died of COVID-19 are considered “recovered” rather than “survived.” SARS-CoV-2 causes system infections, generally with the heart brain, Illustrated by the loss of odor from the brain Tissue destruction Loss of cardiac function due to myocarditis. Even people who develop “mild” COVID-19 can develop long COVID-19, which often lasts for more than a year. “
Everyone wants this pandemic to end, but experts like Kavanagh point out that there is a difference between wishful thinking and wishful thinking. In terms of evolutionary survival, viruses have been off to a good start for humans for billions of years. And yet another variant has been discovered, just as the world is more focused on Omicron than on Delta.
B.1.640.2 is so new that it does not yet have an official name, but it is called the IHU variant because it was discovered by an investigator at IHU Mediterranee Infection.their studyAlso in medRxiv, the IHU variant “has 46 mutations and 37 deletions, resulting in 30 amino acid substitutions and 12 deletions,” affecting the parts of the brain that control taste and smell. Give. Recent Q & A When ICT®.. “The reason why you are so likely to lose your sense of smell and taste is not because the virus is infecting your nerves, but the actual peripheral nerves for your sense of taste and smell, but it affects the center of your brain.” Harris said.
According to an IHU study, “data are another example of the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 mutants and the unpredictability of their introduction into specific regions from abroad.”
The late comedian Gilda Radner, Saturday night live, Used one of her catchphrases in the title of her book, which recorded her fight against cancer: It’s always something..
This also seems to apply to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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