Becoming viral: a dark online gag that relieves youthful anxiety
Washington (AFP) -Climate change, debt, mental health struggles, and now the Coronavirus: life is not a laugh. However, if you are under the age of 30, the best way to stay healthy is often wise.
“We’re joking about what we’ve posted because we can’t afford therapy,” says Chuck Wenzel (26 ) Says.
“Posting or joking about it makes it unrealistic and manageable,” a high school science teacher from New Haven, Connecticut, told AFP.
The tone of humor does not suit everyone’s taste. Some people find it on their nails and may not laugh out loud.
But for younger social media users, the gag that others can casually find is a time of frustration for the powerlessness of a generation who can’t catch the brakes of the world toward the edge of a cliff.
These carol comics were especially popular during the pandemic, which has infected 6 million people and killed 360,000 people, bringing waste to the global economy.
“Men are 5 feet to 8 feet from you and we call them 6 feet,” New York women tend to tweet while looking sideways at their social distance, exaggerating their physical characteristics.
Other humorists focus on the absurdities of their usual approach to the global crisis as a business.
“People quarantining in jeans: what are you trying to prove?” Tweeted New York-based writer @sarafcarter.
Another meme of uncertain origin, but widely shared among millennials, with the caption “Look at the map for weekend trip ideas.”
The image below is of a three-room apartment, not a remote tropical paradise.
According to scholar Peter McGraw, jokes are largely a product of “psychological distance,” giving keyboard comedians a ridiculous perspective of life.
Humor “has this interrupting feedback loop,” a behavioral economist and head of the Institute of Humor Research at the University of Colorado Boulder told AFP.
For McGraw, the joke is “making the moment endurable, the endurable moments making it more possible.”
Like apartment meditation and stress-cleaning, humor is “a way to give yourself a sense of control” in a world that doesn’t look like you can control it.
Accept absurdity
Society has long looked at tough humor in the dark times, of course in the form of political cartoons, comedy clubs, hot TV shows, and many more.
However, a new generation of swallow creators has taken the humor of gallows out of smoke-filled bars and led them to the Internet’s viral pantheon.
And as 2020 grows more and more unpredictable and irrational, the onslaught of dishonesty that pushes boundaries is intensifying.
In January, after the death of Iran’s supreme commander Kasem Soreimani in a US air strike, a joke about World War I conscription flooded social media with sprouted wisdom.
“ I’m really looking forward to dying in the Straits of Hormuz so Trump can be re-elected, ” said 26-year-old Nick Golden, in a deleted Facebook post shortly after the news of Solei Mani’s death was broken. .
Golden, a civil servant in Haverhill, Massachusetts, believed the government was unlikely to actually begin drafting conscription.
But for a young man who turns 18, even the reality that they even need to be in the register to be able to pull out for the fight, it brings an ever-present low-level momentum to the existence of being.
So the joke is “the only way to deal with it,” says Golden. “We can only indulge in absurdity.”
An important element of the joke is that it comes from what scholar McGraw calls a “benign breach”.
The idea is that the situation can be insightful-a violation of the norm, without actually doing so much harm. The joke not only acknowledges fear, but points out its absurdity.
And that’s why much of the coronavirus humor focuses on aspects of a mundane, ridiculous but essentially harmless life under blockade, such as the annoyance of those who store toilet paper. Says McGraw.
Jokes about catching the virus and the impending global recession are less common.
“For now, that may be a big offense,” McGraw said.
“You can laugh.”
After all, weird memes and inappropriate jokes are a way for young people to express their dissatisfaction with the whole world.
By trying to enjoy the problem, people gain control and make their crisis less overwhelming.
“One of the incredible things about human conditions is the ability to find a moment of lightness, even in the worst of cases,” McGraw said.
“The fact that people are making jokes is a good sign because it means they are connected.”
Back in New Haven, science teacher Wenzel could not agree any more.
“If it’s okay to laugh at something, it’s not that serious, so it’s the end of the world right now,” he said.
And when nothing else, “being with 50 other people is far more comforting than the one who is screaming on the streets the world is about to end.”
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