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The Lancashire bar states that alcohol-free drinks are “no longer a retrofit,” as in full-blown dry January.


The New Year is seen as an opportunity to make a fresh start, and with New Year’s aspirations, many have greeted us in dry January.

And after the festive period is over, many of us are anxious for the opportunity to turn over new leaves and develop good lifestyle habits as part of it.

This can be in the form of throwing away sugar, giving up chocolate, losing meat, becoming vegan for a month as part of a “vegan”, or quitting alcohol altogether after a festive overload.

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Studies show that more and more people are looking to dry January as an increasingly popular way to turn new leaves over.

According to Charity Alcohol Change UK, the number of people giving up alcohol in January continues to grow. To be exact, there are 7.9 million people, but one-third want to attend dry January.

It is said that one in six adults who normally drink alcohol plans to quit drinking throughout January. That’s one in seven adults in the UK.

This is estimated at 7.9 million adults in the UK, up from 6.5 million last year.

Still, of course, according to the charity that created Dry January and conducted the survey, 3 out of 10 drinkers drank more than last year, and 1 in 6 drinkers last year. Is “concerned” about the amount of alcohol consumed. He has been drinking alcohol since the end of the regulation last summer, and he wants to reduce his drinking this year.

Like lovers of low-alcohol pub drinks, Beck’s Blue is my absolute favorite, with Heineken 0.0 being the second closest and Orange and J20 third. There are other beverages, but I was very interested. Find out how Dry January was playing around the pubs in the area.

I talked to staff working in pubs and restaurants in Lancashire about this and asked if they saw a dry January thirst or were abandoned by drinkers under the stress of rising Omicron rates this year. rice field.

Bellflower Pub Manager with Heather Brandwood (left) and partner and head chef Caroline Porter (right)
Bellflower Pub Manager with Heather Brandwood (left) and partner and head chef Caroline Porter (right)

Heather Brandwood, manager of the Bellflower Pub at Garstang, said there has been a general change in people’s attitudes towards leading a healthier lifestyle since the pandemic.

She states: “People were having a dry January for their New Year’s aspirations. What we see is that the world is very different from a few years ago and people are investing more in their health. is.

“People are drinking more gently. They will come out and drink a glass of wine, and they may have non-alcoholic ones back and forth. Since the pandemic, people have more to their health. It’s been in focus, and it’s been going on when the pub reopens. A healthy way of thinking.

“We offer a wide range of products, from alcohol-free gin and wine to premium soft drinks such as the J20, 55 and Flavor Nick. As Marston always offers, drivers and non-drivers. We offer a premium range for both drivers. It has always been a really good range of drinks.

“If you go out with a girl and three people are drinking, you can drink an alcohol-free gin and tonic. The taste is the same. The glassware is the same and the taste is the same. Obviously safe. It’s an option. It means that everyone can go home safely. The atmosphere is the same, and the atmosphere is fun as if you were drinking beer.

“People seem to want to try something new as well, and these things are really flavorful.”

Paul Shiel, owner of Ormskirk’s Taproom No. 12, said January was expected to be quiet, but the pub offered some specialty non-alcoholic beers.

He states: “It’s the first week of January. It’s quiet, as I expected. We make some non-alcoholic craft beers from specialized breweries, but that’s what we do on a large scale. No. We’re a beer place, but it’s an option if someone is out with a friend. “

The low-alcohol or non-alcohol craft beers offered at Taproom No. 12 include Thornbridge Zero Five with only 0.5% alcohol and low-alcohol beer with Brooklyn Special Effects 0.4%. , Addition: “That’s just a small part of what we do. There’s a market there, but it’s a niche.

“It’s only a few days in January, so it’s hard to tell. If they’re in dry January, people should still come out. That said, the person I served today It’s still a side job for us because everyone is drinking. “

Bramleys Coffee House in Ormskirk
Bramleys Coffee House in Ormskirk

Tom Trill, co-owner of Bramley’s Coffee House in Ohmskark, said he wasn’t serving alcoholic beverages this week, and said orange and apple juice, as well as health foods, are gaining in popularity.

He states: “It’s quiet, but I don’t think we’re selling alcohol this week, so obviously people don’t want to drink alcohol.

“Bramlies usually sells coffee-based drinks during this time of the year. They sell coffee-based drinks because of the cold, but to be honest, they actually sell a lot of soft drinks, like diet cola and regular cola. Is not …

“We sell a lot of orange juice and apple juice. We also sell two soups every day during the winter. Today we sell chicken and sweet corn and tomato soups. We. Makes a wide variety of soups and replaces them every few days.

“It’s really very diverse because we generally offer healthier things like salad lifestyle platters with salads and fruits.”

Meanwhile, at Ormskirk’s Cricketers restaurant, staff said that demand for low-alcohol and non-alcoholic beverages was a “general trend” and probably “definitely no longer a retrofit” as before.

Owner Dave Speak told Lancs Live: drink.

“We are always trying to expand the scope because of the general trend of increasing sales of low-alcohol / non-alcohol products. Craft beer breweries have published some great tasting examples before. It has been made.

“Dry January may not be seen positively from a tax collector’s point of view, but there are more great options available. The main message we want to send is in Dry January. Participation does not mean reducing visits to local pubs. And restaurants (they need your support now!), Instead they use for you. Look for possible options. ”

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