In Florida, there is a “statistically significant” rise in deaths from pneumonia. The CDC says it is likely a COVID.
Centers for Disease and Control data show an increase in pneumonia and influenza deaths in Florida since early this year. Experts responsible for monitoring mortality across the country and officials of the Trump administration believe that many of those individuals were probably killed by COVID-19.
According to data from the CDC’s National Health Center for Health Statistics, total Of 1,519 deaths in Florida, where pneumonia and influenza are listed as root causes. Along ComparisonAt the same time last year, Florida recorded 1,207 such deaths. The CDC has historically counted deaths from pneumonia and influenza together. CDC officials told The Daily Beast that most of the deaths in that category were pneumonia.
Bob Anderson, head of mortality bureaus at the CDC’s National Health Center for Health Statistics, said the increase in deaths in Florida, where root causes of pneumonia and influenza were “statistically significant,” Told The Daily Beast that it was “probably a COVID” case not reported as such. “Coronavirus Can cause Pulmonary complications such as pneumonia.
The increase has caused conspiracy theories on the left side, which Florida is trying to underestimate by deliberately classifying coronavirus deaths as others. There is no evidence to suggest such a laborious effort. Or, there is no evidence that the state is unique across the country. But authorities, including Anderson, believe that some of the deaths from pneumonia and influenza in Florida involved people who were infected with COVID-19 but never tested. In such a scenario, the virus may have contributed to the death, but it may not have been documented as a cause of death by a doctor, coroner, or prosecutor.
“We are definitely experiencing underreporting issues across the country,” Anderson said of the CDC. Investigation The number of “excess deaths” in the coronavirus. “[In Florida] The most likely are those who have died without being tested, and the best evidence is that the person who completed the doctor or death certificate pointed to someone who had died of pneumonia. “
Anderson says the number currently reflected on the CDC website on pneumonia and influenza deaths in 2020 is lower than it really is. This is because death certificate reporting systems have been delayed by several weeks, especially in states that do not have digitization systems to process papers.
Similar symptoms are occurring in other states, but a noteworthy survey was conducted in Florida, with Governor Ron DeSantis’s anti-coronavirus response and Florida’s decision to expedite resumption. .. DeSantis has allowed several Florida beaches to reopen in mid-April, despite the continuing increase in state-wide deaths associated with coronavirus cases. The governor has since warned that Florida will experience a surge in COVID-19 incidents and hastily blamed members of the press to call his actions cavalier. A conservative and Trump-supporting commentator pointed out that there was no notable rise, as evidence of the exaggeration of fears of a hasty resumption.
The DeSantis office asked for comment but did not respond. But The real story seems more complicated, as it relates to a pandemic. And it emphasizes to what extent the public’s understanding and opinion of the pandemic is affected by bureaucratic decisions and accounting formulas related to the classification of deaths.
Previously as a daily beast reportPresident Trump and members of his anti-Coronavirus committee pressured the CDC to change the way authorities cooperate with the state to count coronavirus-related deaths, making deaths from this disease much more Claimed amendments that may be less. The administration has also moved to enable nursing homes to report only deaths from coronavirus that occurred after May 6th. Large rise Coronavirus-related death.
Depending on the country, there are various methods of collecting relevant data and calculating COVID-19 mortality, resulting in speculation about political motives. In that respect, few governors are as closely monitored as DeSantis. Part of it is because of his close relationship with the president. Part of that is due to the decisions he made. DeSantis administration earlier this month Dismissal Rebeka Jones, a data manager at the Florida Department of Health, who worked on an online dashboard for the Florida Coronavirus. In the statement Posted Jones retreated when her website requested that Health Department officials “manipulate and delete data as work on the state’s resumption plan began in late April.” The DeSantis administration has since said Jones has been dismissed for disobedience.
Florida was already under the national microscope, and liberals accused DeSantis and members of his regime of manipulating the data and deliberately downplayed the death toll from the coronavirus, so this week news of state pneumonia deaths. Has spread to social media. Former Democratic Governor-General Howard Dean from Vermont Commented Until Thursday accused Florida of “cooking a book on the death of COVID-19,” according to Florida statistics. Andy Slavit, the former acting administrator of the Medicare and Medicaid Service Centers, The above Coronaviruses appear to be under control in Florida, but they had an “unprecedented” pneumonia “crisis”.
But Anderson said it was unlikely that a doctor with a patient diagnosed as positive for coronavirus would have marked anything other than COVID-19 as the root cause of the death certificate. If an individual dies, for example, at home or in a care facility without being examined, the medical examiner or coroner can mark the individual as having died of pneumonia. According to Anderson, the scenario was probably occurring early in the outbreak of the coronavirus when the tests were difficult to access and doctors were still learning how the coronavirus would appear. According to the report Miami Herald, Desantis officials defended Florida public In the dark It lasted for about two weeks in February, planning a response plan for the state outbreak.
A similar phenomenon occurred in Flint after switching water supplies caused poisoning in thousands and caused the largest outbreak of Legionella disease in US history. Last year, the PBS frontline reporter team found It is possible that there were approximately 70 more deaths from Legionella during the outbreak than the 12 officially recorded. But the government wasn’t up for the crisis, so doctors weren’t alerted to it and therefore didn’t know to look for or test for the disease. Many of the people who died from the civilian illness were originally reported to have died from other causes, such as pneumonia.
Health officials and statisticians are now investigating how many of the state’s “excess deaths” in the last few months should have been caused by coronaviruses. 1 Investigation According to New York City’s Department of Health, announced earlier this month, there were thousands of “excess deaths” in the city between March 11 and May 2. However, there were an additional 5,200 deaths in the study, which were not identified as laboratory-confirmed or potentially COVID-19-related, but were associated with the virus in some other way. It is possible that
With CDC, the authorities Accidentally Anderson’s team is now back to correct these calculations and calculate more accurate fatalities, as an agency that was overlooked in the first few weeks was calculating coronavirus deaths.
The CDC relies heavily on state health systems and reporting systems over 100 years ago to calculate annual deaths in the United States. When an individual dies, a doctor, coroner, or prosecutor records it on the death certificate. The sequence of events that contributed to the death of the person and what eventually caused it. The certificate is then handed to the state’s registrar, or sometimes the funeral director, who examines the certificate and decides whether to send it to a doctor, coroner, or medical doctor for more information. If the state registration authority is satisfied with the certificate, it will be sent to the state Department of Health. The state then sends some data on the death certificate to the CDC.
Anderson’s team is responsible for using the death certificate data and data from the national digital coding system to tabulate the cause of death for each state each year.
The number of death certificates is usually delayed by two to eight weeks, adding that the emergence of the coronavirus has strained the reporting system and led to a significant underestimation of the entire country, Anderson said.
“I’ve never experienced anything like this before,” Anderson said. “We’re still learning new things about this virus every day. The reports are only improving.”
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