Coronavirus: NHS service will be gradually restarted
The NHS service suspended in Scotland because of the coronavirus should be gradually restarted, the Health Secretary announced.
Gene Freeman said that pain clinics, dental care, and cancer referrals would be one of the first areas to be restored.
The Health Commission has submitted a mobilization plan to the Minister.
These will see a resurgence of normal NHS services, but will also retain the ability to handle Covid-19 cases in the hospital.
In addition, guidelines for vulnerable people in Scotland to shield from Covid-19 are expected to be “tuned” in the coming weeks.
NHS services that are likely to be prioritized by the Health Board include:
- Cancer services including referrals and deferred treatments
- Expansion of treatment for emergency inpatients and outpatients other than cancer
- Outpatient treatment such as macular degeneration management, pediatrics and respiratory services
- Mental health support
- Blood monitoring and B12 injection.
NHS continues to be “emergency scaffolding”
Freeman also said: “We are taking a cautious, step-by-step, evidence-based approach to restarting services to keep the virus under control.
“NHS Scotland remains an urgent scaffold, but the framework continues to address this pandemic, and thus represents an approach to the next stage.
“Our approach is driven not only by clinical priorities, but also by what is important to people’s quality of life, such as preventive activities such as pain clinics, dental care, and cancer screening.”
Richard Leonard, leader of the Scottish Labor Party, said:
“The number of” excess deaths “due to diseases other than Covid-19 is disastrous, indicating that the resumption of service cannot be postponed for several months.” ”
According to the latest figures released by the Scottish Government, 15,400 people increased by 18 from Saturday, showing a positive Covid-19 reaction.
An additional 9 positive deaths were reported, with a total of 2,362 deaths in Scotland.
A total of 1,073 people were hospitalized on Saturday night, with a total of 41 cases with confirmed (732) or suspected (341) Covid-19 cases.
“We don’t forget about you”
Freeman admitted that regulation was “incredibly difficult” for people who were “shielded,” and that deregulation was less severe for people at low risk.
Such vulnerable people in England and Wales who were advised to stay at home Go out again from monday..
So far, no similar changes have been made in Scotland, but National Clinical Director Professor Jason Leitch said at a Scottish government briefing that this could change.
He said: “I expect to make some adjustments to both the shielded group and advice to everyone in that group last week and in the days ahead.
“I can’t tell you what that will be, but if the numbers don’t go down, I sincerely hope this will allow them to do more than they currently do.”
“We do not forget about you,” Freeman added.
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