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Previous chemotherapy associated with increased risk of mortality in breast cancer and COVID-19 patients


Chemotherapy within 3 months before diagnosis of COVID-19
Associated with increased risk of patient mortality from the virus
According to the analysis of the presented TERAVOLT registry, breast cancer
With the ASCO20 Virtual Scientific Program.1

Is a global registry established in mid-March 2020 for chest patients.
Cancer and COVID-19 from more than 59 centers and 9 countries.

It is associated with a malignant tumor of the chest and is considered to be at particularly high risk
Their old age, smoking-related comorbidities, and reduced lung function ”
Leora Horne MD, MD, Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center, Nashville, TN
The lead author and presenter of the study said.

Research is an update of analysis Originally announced at Part I of the 2020 AACR Annual Meeting.2 The current analysis had a median follow-up of 33 days from the COVID-19 diagnosis, whereas the original analysis had a median follow-up of 15 days and enrolled 400 patients.

with this
Laboratory confirmed COVID-19, median patient age patient analysis
At the age of 68, 34% of patients are female and 23.4% to 65.2% of patients
Current or former smokers. The most common cancer type was non-small cell lung
Cancer (NSCLC; 78%), followed by small cell lung cancer (13%), other
Breast cancer. Stage IV disease is present in 71% of patients,
The majority receiving chemotherapy or a combination chemotherapy regimen.

COVID-19 was required to be admitted to the intensive care unit with 78.3% of patients
8.3% was needed and the ventilator was given to 5%. of
The median hospital stay was 10 days.

Mortality rate is 35.5%, 10.6% of cancer-related deaths
79.4% was due to COVID-19. Another 8.5% of deaths

Types of treatments given to treat COVID-19 were similar among patients
Who recovered, died, or had an ongoing infection? “There was no specific cure
Dr. Horn said.

Multivariate analysis found significant increase in mortality risk
Related to ages over 65 (hazard ratio [HR],
1.70; 95% CI, 1.09-2.63; P = .108), Eastern
Cooperative Oncology Group performance status is 1 (HR, 2.14, 95% CI,
1.11-4.11; P <.001), and use Steroids> 10 mg / day (HR, 1.49; 95% CI, 1.00-1.23; P = .052).

chemical treatment
Alone or in combination with other treatments,
Increased risk of death (HR, 1.71; 95% CI, 1.12-2.63; P = .025). Patients who have previously received steroids or anticoagulant therapy
COVID-19 diagnosis determined to be at high risk of mortality
Good skill.

From this analysis, “pre-administration of chemotherapy [a] Unique
Combination with modality or ICI [an immune checkpoint inhibitor],
Associated with increased risk of death between immunotherapy and TKI [tyrosine
kinase inhibition] Dr. Horn said.

read more Cancer treatment advisorReport on ASCO 2020 Conference by Visit meeting page..


  1. Horn L, Sisenant JG, Torri V, etc. Breast Cancer International COVID-19 Collaboration (TERAVOLT): Types of Cancer Treatment and Survival Impact of COVID Treatment.. Presentation Location: ASCO20 Virtual Science Program. J Clean Oncol.. 2020; 38 (suppl): abstr LBA111.
  2. Galassino MC. TERAVOLT (International CoVid 19 Collaboration for Breast Cancer): First Results of Global Collaboration to Address the Impact of COVID-19 in Patients With Breast Cancer.. Announcement: American Cancer Research Association (AACR) Virtual Annual Meeting I 2020; April 27-28, 2020.

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