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Sustainable diet may reduce blood clots in the brain: Research | Health


The plate in front of us should be high in vegetables and low in meat. According to a survey by the Public Health Service Sustainable diet It has benefited not only the climate but also your health.

A recent study by Aarhus University was published in the Stroke Journal.

“If an adult man or female follows Scandinavian recommendations for a sustainable diet and fiber intake, the risk of bleeding and blood clots in the brain is reduced,” said Christina Darm, behind the study. ..

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This knowledge is important because previous studies in the United Kingdom found that vegetarians have a higher risk of cerebral hemorrhage than those who ate meat. These findings have received a lot of publicity.

“A vegetarian diet is very similar to a sustainable diet, and we need to have a more sustainable diet in the future, so we were pretty worried. Our result is that a sustainable diet is safe. It shows that you can eat it, “says Daniel Ibsen. It also contributes to research.

Researchers used data from the Danish diet, cancer, and health census. In the early 1990s, a total of 57,053 adults aged 50-64 participated in the study and answered questions about their diet and lifestyle. Over the next few years, researchers were able to use the Danish registry to identify participants who developed bleeding or blood clots in the brain.

“The food we eat has a decisive impact on us. health But it also affects our climate and environment. We need to have a more sustainable diet, but of course it’s also important to have a healthy diet, “says Christina Derm.

According to Christina Derm, this study found that today’s Danish diet has increased in the amount of new sustainable foods such as oat milk and plant-based meat substitutes, and how Danes have a climate-friendly diet. You can be good at following the advice of.

Earlier this year, the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and the Danish Veterinary Food Department published recommendations on a climate-friendly diet similar to a sustainable diet.

The recommendations will help achieve the Danish Climate Law’s goal of improving public health while reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Denmark by 70% in 2030.

Seven Official Climate-Friendly Diet Guidelines:

1. Eat abundant, diverse and not too many plants. Eat more vegetables and fruits 3. Reduce Meat-Choose Legumes and Fish 4. Eat whole grains 5. Choose vegetable oils and low-fat dairy products. 6. Eat less sweet, salty and greasy foods 7. Quench your thirst with water. (ANI)

This story is published from the news agency feed without changing the text. Only the heading has changed.





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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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