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New COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations are increasing as Omicron continues to surge

New COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations are increasing as Omicron continues to surge


The United States is still weeks away from the peak of new COVID-19 cases as it continues to report new outbreaks due to the rapid spread of highly contagious Omicron variants.

Airlines I’m still canceling my flightQuote workers’ weather and outbreaks. More lawmakers, including those in charge, test positive for the virus. Sean Casten (D-Ill.), Jim Cooper (D-Tenn.), Young Kim (R-Calif.), When Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (DN.Y.)..

Raymond James health policy expert and medical analyst Chris Mekins told investors Monday. “The Midwestern region will probably be tracked in a few weeks.”

Omicron infections are considered mild, but the high number of cases means that the hospital is full. It takes about 2 weeks There is an increase in hospitalizations after the cases first begin to increase.

According to Mekins, the United States is expected to reach a record number of COVID-19 hospitalizations within a few days.

There is a difference between those who are hospitalized with COVID-19 and those who test positive for the virus during hospitalization.

“Both of these are happening at the same time,” said Dr. Rochelle Warrensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Friday said At the press conference, he later added:So I don’t think that’s the reason [increased] The number of incidents. “

Other COVID-19 News You Should Know:

• Citigroup Inc. Is promoting the mission of the COVID-19 vaccine. According to a Bloomberg News report, Citi employees must be vaccinated by January 14th. If not, unpaid leave will be given and the final day will be set to January 31st.

• Around the corner for the third year of the pandemic, Americans have lost confidence in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. I’ve been criticized for a series of messaging failures, According to AxiosIncludes scattered recommendations for quarantine policy changes and booster shots.

• It is still somewhat unclear how well rapid antigen testing can catch Omicron. 1 expert Told the Wall Street Journal People who have been vaccinated and boosted may not be tested positive until 3-4 days after infection, based on the “peak concentration of the virus”. Another expert said people could be infected before they were infected with enough virus to test positive.

• However, some quick tests are easier to use than others.According to the ECRI Institute, 7 tests have been formally evaluated. Is it the easiest test to use? On / go.

This is the meaning of the numbers

Average number of New COVID-19 cases According to, it is currently 677,243 per day in the United States. New York Times Tracker.. The average daily hospitalization was 130,006, an increase of 80% from 2 weeks ago, and the average daily average of COVID-19-related deaths was 1,559, an increase of 16% from 2 weeks ago. New cases are increasing across the United States, but are most common in northeastern states such as New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island.

According to the report, about 207.6 million people in the United States, or 62.5% of the population, are fully vaccinated. Disease Control Prevention Data Center, 75.3 million people have obtained COVID-19 booster shots. That is 36.3% of the population.





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