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Coronavirus: Care Home only mentioned twice for 5 months of Sage


According to the newly published minutes, the government’s top scientific advisors discussed nursing homes only twice between January and May.

Meeting record Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, Or Sage, is a major group of professionals who advise ministers on how to react COVID-19 Outbreaks, clarify lack of discussion about risks faced by care homes.

From January to May, the Sage Minutes made only two mentions of nursing homes, before the blockade in the UK began and weeks before the death toll became nationwide.

Shadow care minister Rizkendal “It’s clear that social care and the NHS were not treated the same, or as both sides of the same coin.”

James Bullion, Chairman of the Social Services Board, said the minutes’ announcement: “It seems to underline the impression that social care is being postponed. This is the NHS’s next consideration.” This cannot continue. “

“Over the next few weeks, governments need to show the same commitment they have made to protect the NHS, as all life is important to protect social care. Family and caregiver protection is now a top government priority. ”

The formal minutes do not cover all discussions during the meeting, but they do address topics and issues raised, and actions to be taken.

On March 3, Sage appeared to discuss the need for social distances to stop the spread of the virus and acknowledged the challenges of nursing homes facing the protection of residents in care homes.

The minutes stated: “Social distances over the age of 65 can have a significant impact on overall mortality and peak demand for emergency beds, but they do not significantly reduce overall infection.

“This is most effective for people living independently. It would be difficult to implement this measure in a community environment such as a nursing home.”

On March 10, Sage seemed to find that the social care sector needed special attention.

In its actions, the minutes said: “Sage considers special policies for nursing homes and various types of retirement communities (where residents are more independent). Advised to do. “

However, after criticizing the increase in deaths in nursing homes, no concrete action plan for social care was announced by the government until mid-April.

The nursing home sector has been hit hard by Covid-19, with approximately 40% of nursing homes reporting the outbreak of Covid-19 with more than 11,00 deaths in the population associated with the virus. I am.

The government also faced severe criticism from care leaders who revealed that £ 600m of infection control fund has prevented spending money on staff protective equipment. The Social Services Council said the rules for the fund are “confusing and unnecessarily bureaucratic.”

Ministers are also pressured to test care facility staff and residents, with only one-third of care department staff being tested for viruses, and all staff in the care department on 6 June. The test deadline is just a few days away.

Shadow Care Minister Liz Kendall said he was worried that there were too few actions.

She said: “I’m very worried that little attention was paid to the threat Coronavirus It was raised to care for home-based residents and staff, despite the evidence and warnings already coming from other countries.

“It’s clear that social care and NHS were not treated equally and as both sides of the same coin. The government learned lessons from the subsequent nursing home crisis and focused on social care in the future and prioritized it. We need to be able to secure resources for it. ”

We asked the Ministry of Health and Human Services for comment.


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