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Covid-19: New Zealand needs to prepare for arrival in Omicron’s community-researchers

Covid-19: New Zealand needs to prepare for arrival in Omicron’s community-researchers
Covid-19: New Zealand needs to prepare for arrival in Omicron’s community-researchers


Researchers say New Zealand should strive to delay Omicron’s entry into the community as long as possible in case a variant arrives.

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The Ministry of Health strongly recommends booster immunization for people over the age of 18 who received a second dose at least 4 months ago.
Photo: AFP

Yesterday 14 new community cases for Covid-19 And now, 92 percent of the country’s eligible population is double vaccinated.

But complex system researcher Dion O’Neill said Morning report If Omicron leaks from a controlled quarantine and quarantine facility, the number can spike.

Dr. O’Neill Australia It helped determine what would happen if Omicron entered the New Zealand community.

“They are very similar to us in that they are in the same season and are currently vaccinated at the same level as us. Depending on which state of Australia you see, these are seen very quickly. The doubling time is very short, and it grows very fast from hundreds to thousands to tens of thousands of cases every day, on the order of 2-3 days before the number of cases doubles. “

Dr. O’Neill said New Zealand should delay Omicron’s entry into the community as long as possible and use that time to prepare.

He said it would include adults who would take their boosters and qualify their children to be vaccinated.

“But we can also organize our supply chains, such as high-quality P2 masks and N95 masks, so that people can access them and have rapid antigen testing.”

According to a briefing from the Ministry of Health yesterday, 36 percent of those targeted by the booster effect now have it.

According to Dr. O’Neill, the workplace also needs to have an emergency response plan in case a large number of staff may be out of work due to isolation.

He said this was a serious problem in other countries where the industry was forced to close due to the isolation of so many staff.

He said yesterday’s low number of cases was likely due to many factors.

“During the summer, people really changed their interaction patterns, [we’ve got] Schools are closed and most people haven’t worked for weeks. This coincided with a time when the number of people who participated in this was small.

“We also had the majority of the most recently vaccinated population-so this is when people are in their peak immunity and vaccines are most effective.”

However, he said, the number of cases is likely to surge after the vaccine’s immunity begins to weaken a bit and people return to work or school.

Dr. O’Neill says being outside like people are during the summer vacation is a great way to prevent the transmission of the virus, and being in an air-conditioned environment is a good way to increase the transmission. I did.

He said Delta is unlikely to be excluded from the community.





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