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Commentary: More needs to be done to convince unvaccinated BCs to roll up their sleeves.

Commentary: More needs to be done to convince unvaccinated BCs to roll up their sleeves.


There seems to be a growing chorus calling for stricter measures for those who refuse vaccination. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection)..

Also, don’t be surprised if you tighten the unvaccinated screws further, as the Omicron variants are accelerating at an alarming rate around the world and the number of hospitalizations and ICU cases is increasing.

We are heading towards a situation where less than 10% of the population (unvaccinated) use more and more resources in near-capacity healthcare systems. Due to COVID-19, surgery schedules have been changed and frontline healthcare professionals have been burned out.

Last month, nearly 70% of COVID-19 hospitalizations and nearly 80% of ICU cases were associated with unvaccinated people (these percentages began to shrink slightly; ICU patients earlier this week). 60% were unvaccinated). It is a large number of beds, nurses and doctors diverted from the treatment of vaccinated individuals in need of health care that may have nothing to do with the virus.

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Now I don’t think we should stop providing medical care to unvaccinated people, nor do we support forcing people to vaccinate.

But more to get more people jabs and ease the growing pressure on our health system for the benefit of the majority of our population (ie vaccinated people). I have to do a lot of things.

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COVID-19: British Columbia Health Minister Adrian Dix provides updates on postponement of pandemic surgery

COVID-19: British Columbia Health Minister Adrian Dix provides updates on postponement of pandemic surgery

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Quebec imposes taxes on people not vaccinated by COVID-19

The unvaccinated rate remains small in BC, but even small rates in large numbers can produce very large numbers.

Take this into account: As of last Wednesday, 369,081 British Columbia residents over the age of 12 had not even received a single dose of the vaccine. That number is declining by less than 1,500 per day.

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These people are scattered all over the state. It is true that vaccination rates are significantly lower in many areas inland and in the north, but even in highly vaccinated areas such as Sally (more than 90% received at least one vaccination) 55,000. Please note that there are unvaccinated residents there.

Now, I don’t think much of this group is the aggressive, menacing, and scientifically illiterate conspiracy theorist found in sparsely attended anti-vax rallies. I’m convinced that most are just ordinary people who need to step up and carry out what is essentially their citizen’s duty.

But what does it take to convince them to do that?

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The new report outlines the health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The new report outlines the health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic – December 1, 2021

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Children in BC are rolling up their sleeves for the COVID vaccine, but the rise is slow

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In Quebec, vaccination proof will soon be needed for those who want to buy liquor or cannabis. Interestingly, shortly after the new restrictions were announced, the initial doses there quadrupled (from 1,500 to 6,000 per day) (the state aids unvaccinated people with funding for medical services. We have just announced that we will impose “significant” taxes to do so).

BC does not impose financial penalties on unvaccinated people seeking access to public health care, but broader vaccination obligations may remain (for example, more to continue working). Medical professionals will soon need to be vaccinated).

The vaccination net is tightened. As the number and scope of obligations grows and our healthcare system becomes more and more likely to feel the pinch from those who refuse to pinch their arms slightly, the ability to enjoy much of the life of the unvaccinated is gradually increasing. Limited to.

Keith Balldry is the Chief Political Reporter for Global BC.

© 2022 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.





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