Britain could be the first country out of the pandemic, according to experts
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson makes a gesture on December 2, 2021 in London, UK, while visiting St. Thomas’ Hospital to receive a coronavirus booster vaccination.
Paul Edwards | Reuters
London — According to one leading scientist, the UK is criticized by many for hesitating to introduce more restrictions on the Covid-19 in the face of a variant of Omicron, but the UK is a coronavirus. It could be one of the first countries to get out of the pandemic.
Professor David Hayman, lead public health official at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, on various reactions to Covid, especially the latest wave of cases caused by the ferocious Omicron variant. States: If it is not yet out of the pandemic and the disease is endemic, it is out of the pandemic. “
“Countries are now seeing herd immunity accumulating … and it does not seem to repel the virus and cause serious illness or death in countries with high herd immunity.”
Hayman spoke at an online seminar hosted by the think tank Chatham House on Monday, citing the latest figures from UK statistics on immunity. It is estimated that 95% of the UK population has antibodies to the infectionThrough either vaccination or natural infection. According to Hayman, the majority of people currently in the intensive care unit were unvaccinated.
The British government was criticized last month for refusing to introduce further restrictions on social mixing before Christmas due to the rapid spread of the Omicron variant, first discovered in South Africa in late November. The United Kingdom was one of the first countries to be hit hard by highly infectious strains.
Omicron was called a “concern” by the World Health Organization due to the high number of mutations in the strain and its potential to weaken the Covid vaccine.
Omicron has been found to be much more infectious than previous viral variants, including the delta variant, which may be due to widespread vaccination, but in research and actual data. Increases have shown that Omicron is causing less serious illnesses in campaigns.
Covid vaccination provides a high level of protection against severe illness, hospitalization and death, and vaccine makers say early studies have shown that booster shots significantly restore protection against Omicron variants. ..
The British government, along with Prime Minister Boris Johnson, has been nervous in recent weeks by not introducing new restrictions on the public. Tell the British people that they need to “learn to live with the virus” last year.
The government maintained this stance last month, even though other European countries introduced much stricter rules on social and travel (and some introduced partial or complete blockades).
Light is glimpsed at the end of the tunnel, but there are increasing signs that the peak of the infectious Omicron wave has proven to be shorter and sharper than that seen in previous variants. The number of daily cases reported in the United Kingdom remains high, but is steadily declining. More than 120,000 cases were recorded on Tuesday.
Hospitals around the UK and Europe operate at very high levels of capacity, but hospitalizations remain at lower levels than the previous pandemic wave of low vaccination rates.
Global health officials warn that it is premature to say that the pandemic has entered the “endemic” stage.In the future, there will be persistent but low to moderate levels of Covid in certain populations, but the virus will not cause excessive levels of infection or spread from country to country (this allows it). It will be a pandemic again).
British Secretary of Education Nadhim Zahawi told the BBC on Sunday that the country is on the path of “from a pandemic to endemic.”Similar to the latest guidance in the United States.. ) To mitigate the absence of staff at work and the massive financial turmoil caused by Covid.
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