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Half of Florida COVID-19 deaths are associated with long-term care


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State statistics suggest that more than half of the reported deaths of Floridian from this disease are now associated with long-term care facilities, in order to clearly remind the victims of COVID-19 for the elderly and their caregivers. Shows.

Florida has crossed the threshold of 50% of the number released by the State Department of Health on Saturday. A report released on Sunday showed 2,451 deaths of Florida residents by COVID-19, with 1,230 people involving residents or nursing home staff.

COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes and nursing homes have increased at a much faster rate in recent weeks than deaths in the larger population. For example, on April 30, the state reported 1,268 deaths across Florida residents, with 423, or 33.4%, involving residents or long-term care unit personnel.

Respiratory illness caused by the novel coronavirus is especially dangerous for the elderly and people with underlying illnesses, generally describing most people in nursing homes and nursing homes.

34.6 percent of the total reported deaths of Florida residents involved people over 85 years old, to show more details about how the disease affected disproportionately for older people, the Sunday show The numbers announced in. Similarly, 63.8% include people over the age of 75, and 85% include people over the age of 65.

In contrast, people under 55 accounted for 5.8% of all deaths.

State authorities have taken a series of steps to combat the spread of illness in long-term care facilities, including closing buildings to visitors and strengthening inspections. During Friday’s appearance in Palm Beach County, Governor Ron De Santis said that the state’s “main focus” in testing was with long-term care facility personnel in an attempt to stop potential outbreaks before they could spread. Said to be a resident.

“One of the reasons for the higher risk is that (a) more older people (who) have an existing underlying health condition, but there are also circumstances where the virus can spread rapidly. We have a lot of contacts in the quarter, “DeSantis said. “So, if you ask a staff member to introduce it, it’s asymptomatic and it may spread quickly. So you need to keep doing this, test staff regularly, and test the population. Yes, this is the best way we can save lives. ”

The state-leading Miami Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties with the highest overall COVID-19 cases also had the highest number of deaths associated with care facilities, totaling 591—48 of the deaths from long-term care. %.

However, the illness caused deaths in state-wide nursing homes and living support facilities, including rural counties such as Suwanee County, which killed 18 caregivers, and Hendry County, which killed 13 people.

A total of 18 counties reported more than 10 deaths related to long-term care facilities, a Sunday Ministry of Health report shows.

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