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What virus research on cannabis and COVID really means

What virus research on cannabis and COVID really means


The Internet is booming with new research showing how two cannabis compounds have a protective effect against COVID-19. But weed smokers should not celebrate yet.

Researchers at Oregon State University have isolated and identified two natural compounds in hemp, cannabidiolic acid (CBGA) and cannabidiolic acid (CBDA). Using chemical screening techniques, scientists have discovered that these two compounds have a molecular configuration that allows them to bind to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Therefore, it blocks the virus from binding to the cell. This is the same basic principle that makes monoclonal antibody therapy effective. CBGA and CBDA may bind to alpha and beta variants of the virus, but researchers have not investigated other variants. Peer-reviewed studies that are currently infected with the virus Journal of Natural Products on Monday.

This paper is drawing attention even on late-night television shows. “I was listening to CDC all the time, so I should have eaten CBD.” Joke Jimmy Kimmel. Stephen Colbert said this is “great news for all teenagers whose parents find weeds in their room.” I only have it for my friend Tony Fauci. “” This study also influenced some Viral tweets, “Raise your hand if” weeds have been rescued “on the 2022 Pandemic Bingo Card. “like.

These jokes and celebrations are going in the wrong direction. This study does not show evidence that smoking weeds or ingesting CBD gummies or other popular hemp products can protect or prevent COVID-19. The cannabis compounds mentioned in the study, CBGA and CBDA, are precursors to the compounds actually found in cannabis products. These are hemp acids that turn into CBG and CBD, respectively, when the cannabis plant is heated and dried to make marijuana.

“CBDA and CBGA are produced by hemp plants as precursors to CBD and CBG that are familiar to many consumers,” said Richard Van Bremen, a pharmaceutical scientist at Oregon State University. I am saying. statement.. “But unlike acids, they are not included in hemp products,” Van Breeman said. VICE “We know that CBD, CBG, and THC are inactive against viruses.”

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CBDA and CGBA also decompose at high temperatures, eliminating smoking as a way to ingest chemicals. If these compounds were to actually become medicinal products, they would probably need to be taken orally as tablets at a much later stage.

Experts are using social media to dispel the myth of the protective ability of weed smoking.In response to a viral tweet, end-cannabinologist Rachel Knox Tweet: “This study is specifically specific to acidic substances, CBGA and CBDA. People do not smoke acidic substances. Pre-decarboxylated raw / fresh, or stabilized with capsules or tinctures. You have to consume what you have. “

Another important note to note is that this study did not include human clinical trials. Researchers performed laboratory analyzes to examine human epithelial cell cultures. Using these cells as a model, the team showed how two cannabis compounds could interfere with the SARS-CoV-2 peplomer and prevent infection. However, what happens in Petri dishes and test tubes does not always apply to the human body. Researchers cannot be sure of what the protective value of these compounds is for COVID-19, especially until further research is done in living humans.

“There’s no reason to think that smoking weeds will protect you … It’s not a good idea to smoke anything during a lung-affecting pandemic,” said a Massachusetts General Hospital doctor on a regular basis about cannabis. Peter Grinspoon, an instructor at Harvard Medical School writing, said Forbes.. In addition, “These compounds need to be tested in animals and then in humans and have proven to be effective against COVID in practice. Given that they work, this is a long way off, It is by no means guaranteed, “he said. “I don’t think many molecules at that level will actually penetrate functional medicines.”




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